in #tv7 years ago


I am a tv junkie. I like dreamy, surreal, sci fi, fantasy, thriller works. My original career was in illustration and animation and, even though I work in glass now, I am still affected by the movies and tv I watch. It's like church for me. If I find something I love, I will watch it over and over again, soaking in the mood of whatever it is.

First off--I have heard a lot of nonsense about the new Twin Peaks series. And it just pisses me off. I think the pace is freaking people out, the stagey soap opera acting. But that's signature Lynch. Every moment you are picking up clues to answer some unasked question. It's so beautiful. It's so nerve wracking. You are immersed in his world and you need to deal with the discomfort of that fact to get where you are going. It's an investment. No one wants to invest in their viewing anymore. Maybe we've forgotten, it's an ACTUAL ART FORM. It's not a bag of Doritos for god sake....

I think maybe attention spans have been destroyed due to the way movies are cut now. Every clip is 5 seconds, everything moves so fast you can't see it. No one is comfortable with long pauses (seriously--I'd love to meet one person under 30 that could sit through an entire Tarkovsky film and not lose their shit). If you can't get the jist in a blink, it's just not worth your time. You've heard of slow food, and slow craft--I believe in slow tv. Slow movies.

The thing that DOES seem to be gaining some support is a surrealistic bent in genre . Legion is a great example--that storyline was intense, and that creepy mofo hiding David's brain? Oh my god. It was so beautiful. The astral plane, the symbols that were all over it. It was like a finely crafted object, every piece thought out and polished and fit into place. It was incredible.

And then American Gods. I was confused throughout the entire first episode -- it is shot so beautifully I could barely catch the plot. The writing--obviously stellar-- "In the beginning there was a god shaped hole in man's head and the Trees were the first to fill it". Um yeah--it doesn't get any better than Neil Gaimen. But the threads of this show really do take you somewhere godlike, as they weave together short stories and a long story into something nothing short of epic. I think about the thoughts in this show every day. The ideas that he puts out there are just --elegant. Beautiful. The idea that this story could not take place anywhere BUT America was like a eureka moment for me. I've been a little disillusioned with America in recent days, but something about this story made me realize how incredibly one of a kind America is.

(The only thing wrong with AG was Kristin Chenowith. We could have done way better on Ostara casting. She's a little one note and Broadway for me. )

Anyways--if you want to give yourself a challenge, and stop sucking on the teat of whatever reality show garbage or sitcom nonsense you are filling up on--give one of these three a try. They will definitely make your brain work, and you may be surprised with how it opens you up.

If you'd like to check out more of the articulated stained glass and stained glass panels I post please visit my website at https://www.genevievegeer.com/ . I accept ethereum, bitcoin, and lsk so email me if you'd like that! I run a small company that travels all up and down the east coast, and occasionally out to the midwest, selling at art shows.


CHECK OUT MY "ETHER GIRLS AREN'T EASY" T-SHIRTS ON RED BUBBLE--all are available in woman's cut, I haven't been able to find any so I just gave up and designed them myself!!! I'll be doing other favorite coins soon--including everyones fav--STEEM!