With the introduction of Disney+ streaming service, Disney introduced the new show The Mandalorian exclusive to Disney+. Disney+ is a Netflix like subscription service for Disney content. The Mandalorian is what they believe will drive people to use their service.
There are currently 4 episodes available for The Mandalorian, unlike Netflix, Disney+ does not release all episodes at once. The next episode will be available on December 6th at 3AM. The episodes clock in at 29 to 38 minutes and are not full 1-hour shows.
The Mandalorian follows the path of a lone Mandalorian bounty hunter referred to as "The Mandalorian". Little is known of his kind and their history, something I believe the show will spend a great deal of time on. We do know Mandalorians are classified as aliens, and Boba Fett was affiliated with them but was not actually a Mandalorian.
"Mandalorians are aliens, typically from the planet Mandalore in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. First conceptualized for The Empire Strikes Back as a group of white-armored "supercommandos", the idea developed into a single bounty hunter character, Boba Fett. Although the term "Mandalorian" is never used in the films, the popularity of Boba Fett inspired an extensive number of works about Mandalorians in the Star Wars expanded universe, also known as canon Legends."
"Recognized by their iconic armor, the Mandalorian people are characterized in the expanded universe as a multi-species warrior people who often work as mercenaries and bounty hunters. The Clone Wars television series reintroduced them to the franchise as a human people and introduced the New Mandalorians, pacifists who wish to distance themselves from Mandalore's warrior traditions. Mandalorian warrior characters also appear in the Rebels animated television series and in the live action web television series The Mandalorian."
- Wikipedia
I watched the first four episodes this weekend with my son and we both really enjoyed it. The world built for the show is fantastic and costume design is likely a significant portion of Disney's budget.
If you love Star Wars, you will be excited to see many throwbacks to the movies and the lore. Jawas play a significant role in one of the episodes although no references to the main characters of the series have been made yet.
One thing that really got my attention is the fantastic filming techniques and the costume design. The characters are fantastic and extremely well designed. The action sequences are lively and thrilling.
As a Game of Thrones fan, I am excited to see Pedro Pascal on the screen again even if you may never see his face.
The story so far is captivating and very well done. Boba Fett was one of the most loved characters in the Star Wars series, and although he wasn't a Mandalorian, he trained under them and was part of their guild. I hope he will be introduced into the series at some point but as of right now there is no confirmation if that will be the case.
While the Mandalorian race is small, there are few living in hiding. Only one Mandalorian is allowed to go to the surface at a time. We follow the path of one particular Mandalorian during the course of the show. While he is a bounty hunter, he is clearly an anti-hero as he frequently shows the traits of a hero.
By now you have likely heard of Baby Yoda and have seen pictures of him.
He absolutely does steal the show with his cuteness, but it is highly unlikely it is the real Yoda you know from Star Wars due to the timeline of the show and the movies. Little is known of this character and his race, but I feel it will play a significant part in the show in due time.
If you have any interest in Star Wars, this is a must-see. Some are claiming it is the best show on TV right now (although technically not on TV). I can't say I disagree, it has been fantastic so far and my only complaint is the length of the episodes. If it is like a typical show these days and is only 10 episodes, the shorter runtime will really be disappointing.
- Movie URL:https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/82856-the-mandalorian
- Critic: AAA
All images are from the IMDb page for The Mandalorian
Thanks for the review.
I have seen 2 episodes so far. I enjoyed them but am lost on where the show is going. Perhaps I should have watched the animated series to get a better perspective on the Mandalorians.
Excited to see if baby Yoda becomes a Jedi with more fun light saber action.
That's disappointing that it's only a "30-minute" show.
I agree and hopefully, they make it into a 20 something episode season to make up for the shorter episodes.
I wish I could find the meme where it attacks people for calling him baby yoda, since in the timeline it's impossible, and the response is well until we find out what race yoda is what else do we call him?
I will admit The Mandalorian is making it hard not to get a subscription to Disney+, but may end up waiting for the season to end and then binge-watching it in a free trial or shorter subscription.
The most lore I've seen about Mandalorians was in Knights of the Old Republic. You can find very in depth look on their history in that game which is probably the best Star Wars game ever created.
Love the new show, probably my new favorite, besides Watchmen.
Will have to grab my kids and find the time to watch this.
I have been looking forward to starting this show. I got the Disney+ subscription on Cyber Monday and I finally have a day off from work to binge on the show. It looks pretty awesome and I can't wait to see Baby Yoda.
Stoooop I’m trying not to get addicted to any more shows that disappoint in the end....the thing that always bothered me about Star Wars was how little time was given to expanding the story of races and worlds we already knew in the main series. Things were hinted to over the years, like Yoda a race and the real nature of the force but most of that was done in little snippets in off shot novels and the like. If a show finally focuses on the mythology rather than some simple characters and their development, I’ll be head over heels....
No I won’t watch until it’s over and everyone says it was amazing from start to finish!
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Spoiler Alert
I just don’t understand why they snuck into that base lured the walker back to the women and children to blow up with explosives instead of just doing it at the enemy base???? Ahhhh!!!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Do we have a new player in the @mmmmkkkk311 downvoting shit??:)) Best regards.
yep:) Why you are give strong downvotes to a close friends of mine who just figure out some critic points of view to this SBI-downvote-crusader??
I countered some of mmmmkkkk311's low-quality votes
i dont know why??you voted down https://steemit.com/downvotes/@bitandi/re-mmmmkkkk311-2019125t2219827z
Because he was begging for upvotes.
No- why you think he did?? Crazy!