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RE: Black Mirror Season 4 - My Personal Thoughts

in #tv7 years ago

I saw the guinea pig's role coming from a mile away. They made such a big deal when the insurance ladies partner bought it - that I knew it had to play a part at some point.

And as @G-com says there were many mistakes that came from this episode. The paper trail - the guy who was hit would of followed up with the insurance company and another insurance person would have gone through the exact same process.

My biggest problem was that the only way the recall machine worked was by the insurance lady asking the witnesses questions and getting the person to really imagine what was going on in that exact moment. But when it came to the pet, they got it instantly? Didn't need to jog it's memory with the smell of beer or play it a song? I should have mentioned this in my review above. And I thought that the baby being blind was a bit, eh - it added a bit of sadness, but i wouldnt call it a plot twist. It added one extra line of dialog and that was it.

Sorry for the rambles, I am glad you liked it, I dont at all want to take that away from you. But just my personal opinion.

Was Crocodile your favourite episode??