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RE: Black Mirror is back!

in #tv7 years ago

I know right. I also had a vpn but every other day it was getting shut down so it was pointless to keep it !

We definitely have a much smaller selection in Australia, but I think it's growing as more people start using it!

YES!! I have nbn and like, sure when it's going it's bloody good. But half the time it's cutting in and out. Had about 100 "technicians" out to "fix" the problem in the past year and still getting major drop outs! I'm very upset about it !

Thank you! I definitely will now !! I'm currently rewatching Breaking Bad (thankfully I have it on DVD ;) )

Oh definitely watch the Punisher asap! I think I'm gonna rewatch that as well!!!!

I started ozark, but it didn't keep my attention past 5 episodes! i may try it again though!

Will do! I've got some up my sleeve ;)