T.V Series to keep an eye on, or maybe both [continued]

in #tvseries7 years ago

Hello There fellow steemians, long time ago I made this post about some TV series I liked:


And it's good to see they have evolve quite nicely overtime, in particular Stranger Things and GoT. But now I wanted to point out two series available at Netflix, but I believe are undervalued or not so mainstream.

First we have The Expanse!

A sci fi thriller set in a no so distant future where basically there are disputes between Earth, Mars and the people born in the Belt.
The plot is very well written, with some interesting characters [not the case of the captain, but hek, you cannot have it all] and very cool space battles, which if I would imagine a realistic space shootout it would be in the line of what the did here, very cool.
What caught my eye was the attention to details, and the good inmersion actors have with the CGI environment generated around them, in particular when working with holographic maps and such.
Basically you can immerse yourself in this reality quiet easily and have a very good pretending Elon Musck could take us to that tech leve [XD]

The other serie has nothing to do with The Expanse, well, nothing except they are both in Netflix.
I'm talking about Dark!

A german psychological thriller that will challenge you not to miss a minimum detail, trust me, otherwise a chapter will take you longer that a LOTR movie with all the back and forth you will have to do.
Some compare Dark with Stranger Things, and although they have some similarities, you notice that only at the beginning. After the plot starts to reveal bit by bit you will see it drives apart from Sranger Things and evolves in a rock solid serie.
Bonus point, the music and sounds are off the hook. They play with your psique a lot and in a very effective way, so i recommend you to plug a mini home theater or use your heads seats because it's worth to have the best sound quality while watching it.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion as a series aficionado, don't take me as a professional critic or similar. I'm just sharing what I like and why.

I would also like to know your opinion in case you have seen them, and also if you have any particular recommendation and why.

Cheers @mac-o


@mac-o you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!