The Gifted is another one in line of Marvel's superhero shows that follows an alternate reality where X-Men disappeared. In a world without X-Men, the mutants are left fighting against stronger and stronger government anti-mutant agencies meant to eradicate them. Story in this TV Shows follows a Strucker family whose kids, once they revealed they are mutants were very soon discovered by the anti mutant organization called the Sentinel service. Strucker family then while trying to escape stumbled upon the Mutant underground. Mutant underground members will be familiar to any X-Men comicbook fans. Together they will need to form a plan to escape the captivity, fight and deal with the family drama and relationships. The Mutant underground is fighting to bring the mutants to safety and most of their inside debates revolve around how much force are they willing to use against their hunters, and will mostly ask themselves does the end justify the means.
Drama between the characters was very boring at times, which made me dislike the show in the end, but also the show had some great moments here and there which made me continue to watch it. Highlight of the show are some popular comicbook mutant characters like Polaris, Thunderbird, Blink, Eclipse(Sunspot) and some others. The Gifted is ultimately a decent show to watch with some cool moments and lots and lots of uninspired fill the time gap moments. The end of season one stirred up relations between characters and made things more interesting, that will make me come back for season 2, but overall season 1 was a hit and miss, I will rate it above Inhumans and below Runaways. 7.6/10
I love all the marvel movie and series and always excited to hear about the new upcoming one...Its very excited to see the new series of Marble "The Gifted" which is simlilar to my favourite X men...I am sure this series going to be more famous in coming days as its is different to from other series...I am waiting to watch its other episode too,...Very very excited...I love your post the most bcoz I love all the news on Marbles...Kinldy request you to visit my post if you get time...Thanks in advance@moon32walker
wow its seems amazing series really need to see this one for sure 😉😉😉 good one @moon32walker
wow amazing brand new session of marvels creation must be the blast one... really need to check out this one , not gonna missed it ☺
Gifted seems like a amazing one really want to see this one .. marvels got the amazing stories great one ...
Always been a fan of marvel and its productions. This series sounds awesome and filled with action.gonna stay tuned in and watch it. Thanks for letting us know. I didn’t knew about it at all. Good job.
marvel movies and series are my favorite one .. really we enjoy them it's seems similar with x-men another great series have to watch it keep it up @moon32walker
This is a cool review. I am a lover of seasonal movies but havnt come across this. Having thousands of seasonal movies to watch out there, one could miss the very interesting ones once in a while so i think this review is worth it as it brings to fore what most of us might be missing out on when it comes to watching seasonal movies...Nice one!
I’m always big fan of marvel series..can’t wait to watch it.its look interesting
Thanks for sharing 😊
Wow I love the marvel series and excited to watch seem so interesting..can’t waut to watch.thanks for sharing @moon32walker
Will watch this
I will get on YouTube later tonight to watch this film.. I hope its interesting ?
Wow! I really love this film.. I need to get this very soon.. Thanks for the update
Kad si stigao pogledati do kraja sezonu... Jel prva sezona do 11te epizode? Ako je onda sam razocaran, ako nije, gdje gledas epizode da izlaze odmah najnovije?
Pogledam obicno epizodu kad izađe. Kasnim sa ovom recenzijom iako sam pogleda zadnju epizodu prije tjedan dana. Zadnja ti je double epizoda 12-13.
Aha, ja gledam na gledalici, a jos nisu izbacili tu double epizodu sto kazes. Jesi ti na netflixu ili ima neka free stranica kao gledalica?
Ma Agents of Shield je i dalje najbolja Marvelova serija :D Prva sezona je bila dosadna do pola ali nakon toga je krenila najbolja comic book serija opcenito :D
Slažem se, Agents of Shield su konstantno zanimljivi jer svaku sezonu ubace nešto divlje.
Od Ghost Ridera do jebenog svemira sada :D
A ja kako sam pogledao prvih par epizoda iz prve sezone sam i prestao gledati agents of shield prije nego sam poceo bas zato sto me umorila hahahah. Budem im dao drugu sansu sad kad kazes da je bolja poslije prve sezone
Ma moooras, kazem ti, najbolja Marvelova serija. Daredevil je jeben ali Agents imaju puno vise lorea i jebenih side charactera.
Ma bas to sto kazes kad je dosadna bila prva sezona, a ja sam takav da sam im dao sansu tih pola sezone i odustao ahahha nisam nastavio kao ti gledati da skuzim da im je bio samo pocetak los, hvala na preporuci :)