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RE: 多幣種錢包

in #tw6 years ago

How old are you? Seriously? Control yourself! Don't come to my blog and make a mess. Don't make a mess on any blogs, especially if it's just because you're acting like a child and couldn't take a downvote.

A downvote doesn't mean you go around downvoting everything just because you got a downvote.

Do you not see on Youtube how some videos have hundreds if not thousands of downvotes? Do you see them acting like children? NO.

Grow up. Stop acting like a spoiled brat who didn't get their way. And stop making a mess of other peoples blogs just because you can't act like an adult.


A downvote doesn't mean you go around downvoting everything just because you got a downvote.

That's because the vote out there shows no value on it. You can see I tolerate the downvotes without value well.
Do you not see on Youtube how some videos of which the comments receives many downvotes? Do you see them acting like children? NO.
Grow up. Stop acting like a spoiled brat who didn't get their way. And stop complaining if other people downvote the comments of your blog just because you can't act like an adult.

Are you fucked in the head?

I'm asking you to stop making a goddamn mess. I'm telling you, you look like a child. When you grow up, and stop, you are then not making a mess, and you then do not look like a child.

This is great advice.

And you just want to continue acting like a fucking child....

FINE! Make a mess on blogs so everyone fucking hates you. Good plan dipshit. This is a fucking social network. Being anti-social gets you nowhere. That should be common sense. Unfortunately you need to be fucking reminded. And even with friendly advice, you still don't get it.

You're a lost cause. Have fun being a fucking baby.

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