Jaime is in his office that morning, he had left home very early and had not been able to have breakfast, he could not even say goodbye to his wife because she was completely asleep and did not want to disturb her. She looked so sweetly asleep in her bed that she felt an immense desire to love her intensely and protect her.
When he evoked that image of his sleeping wife he wanted to call her and tried to dial the number, but at that moment his secretary rushed into the office announcing that the company's shareholders meeting would soon be held, and the company president wanted him to be present to present his new project.
Jaime worked a year ago in that multinational animal feed and held the post of Creative Director, and had every intention of ascending and being part of the body of shareholders, he wanted so much that he had days almost no sleep developing this new project, felt that this would be a super project and would open the doors to success and recognition of everyone in the company, it would also mean a big business that would leave him and the company a lot, but a lot of money.
At the end of the meeting Jaime went to his office happy, but still had many things to do, he did not want anything to be forgotten, continued working until very late. until he fell asleep in the computer chair, suddenly everything turned, he felt like vomiting, which made him remember that he had not tasted snacks all day.
He decided to pick up his things and go home to share his joy and triumph with his wife, he thought she was waiting for him to know if they had accepted the project or not.
In a few minutes he arrived at his house because there was no traffic at night, arriving at the house was strange, everything was very silent and he only heard the meow of a few cats on the roof, he parked the car and then he entered the house thinking that his wife was asleep, but he wanted to pick her up to tell him what had happened, when he was already climbing the stairs of his room, he felt that something hot was putting his feet, he got nervous and turned on the light.
To his surprise it was a huge cat purring at his feet, catching him with its tail and insinuatingly nibbling on his calf, the more he tried to move forward, but the cat clung to his legs, the attempt to push him away with a blow and the cat showed its claws, tearing his trousers was then when he decided to call his wife to help him, but she did not respond.
Already worried about the animal's attitude he called his wife even louder, but the cat was lifted up to his neck and started nibbling at him, he felt drowned, the cat's eyes threw fire, he tried to defend himself, they felt fear for the unexpected force of the animal, he wanted to get rid of it but when he saw the eyes of that animal again, he realized that they were similar to those of his wife, he could at that moment understand that the cat was perfumed with the same perfume of his wife, he felt then a great fear that had happened there, where his wife was? he felt a great fear that had happened there, where his wife was? Why didn't he answer? What was going on? Because that animal acted like that, the cat in that mouth looked for him and felt a chilling cold, that animal was his wife, it was his breath, it was his kisses. She thought how I left her alone for so long!
Like the character. Something about boardrooms for Steemit feels right. Also enjoyed the moral lesson at the end.
hello thank you very much for your opinion