Imagine you rent a house. You listen to music with the kitchen door open while you make your breakfast. A neighbour comes into your house and sits at the dining table, listening to the lyrics for a while. They pull out their phone and send a text, then put the phone back in their pocket and continue to listen.
Suddenly your house phone rings, it's your landlord..
"You can't play that music, it's offending the guest who chose to come listen to the lyrics."
This is how Twitter and Facebook feel these days. It's no wonder people who haven't been evicted yet are choosing to move voluntarily.
They would first turn down the music so low none of your friends could hear it. Then they would ask you to pay them to turn it back up.
Follow for follow buddy? You seem entertaining
Good extension to the analogy. Glad to have a positive first reaction, thanks :)
Compliment where compliment is due. I'll be making my first "real" post tomorrow. Look out for it!