To me the future is Internet. A very Near-by future.
When your kids will search for a Plumber or a Technician to repair their own car, they will not search in the Yellow Pages ( In Paper ) but on probably google , or me i use most of the time Maps on my Android Phone to find all i need on a daily move
Amazon last year made a small profit of around 900 billion, only , that make him or them leader of the world ?
- U.S.A President Donald Trump worth 3 Billion ( When he go outside there is only 4-5 bodyguard behind him )
- Russian President Vladimit Poutine worth 450 Billion ( When he go outside there is almost an army behind him )
- Amazon worth over 900 Billion
Not to mention also that Trump did bankrupt over 9 times.
So in this industry, there is a lot of room, for people who like to expand and learn & share knowledge
I tried it and i like it actually. Why not me ?
I find it interesting to contribute on the futur of internet, database, things i like to do or do for fun, but a plus you get paid for it and the most interesting, you meet nice people
Just to give an idea on Twitch , i did meet very nice people and had some lot of laugh with them . Talk with them with what you like and they are interested in what you say. That is almost a dream for me.
Why not you then ? You should give a try.
Update from 4 october , got a try on GitHub , a nice and opensource project that you should give a try also . This to me, is giving the opportunity to everyone, that is willing to use the other part of his brain , and who actually like it, to contribute to near-by futur.