I used to HATE twitter.
It was total capital letter kind of hate.
I just didn't see the point.
All these scammy assholes trying to get me to follow them and to buy their even scammier shit.
No no not for me.
It just felt like this whole fake charade of people fighting to get my attention.
And for a wee moment, I gave in and became a sort of active participant of the fakeness but couldn't hold it up for long.
I am not made for that fakey flakey shiz.
Fast-forward a few years to when I find my online happy spot : Steemit.
And for some very very very weird reason I ended up logging onto Twitter to see what was going on Steemit-wise on there and found a beautiful encouraging community that ACTUALLY REALLY interacted with each other.
I was blown away.
And so started my love-journey for Twitter.
And now, well you guessed it, I LOVE IT!
It is the space where I find quality Steemit posts, talk to my Steemie friends and slowly am learning more and more stuff about the whole cryptoshere.
But you know, I always want more friends right?
So this is a call to you!
You on Twitter?
Are you active on there?
Do you post good quality content?
Funny, ridiculous, sarcastic is completely welcome btw!
I want to know you.
I want to connect.
I want to see what you are up to.
So let's make it happen.
What's your Twitter handle?
You can find me here : https://twitter.com/AshleyKalila
Drop by and say hello!
I promise I will give you a digital hug back!
Here's to connecting with YOU even more!
Gif is from giphy.com
BIG love,
My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!
You can find me at @statecreative74
We're now following you...
Yesss!!! You got my follow too now :)
Hello. Nice to meet ya!
Ben, that's how I know about you!!
Through Twitter haha :)
But thank you for reminding me! ;)
Yes sent through my humans questionnaire and vid too. let me know if you didnt get it
Yeaa i got it :)
But there are a few posts before yours!
It is with the editor and will probably be up in about 10 days :)
Sweet. No worries! xo
Twitter is not my favorite but it is a good source for news. If there is an earthquake of natural disaster you can find info on twitter very quickly. I dont post too much there but I do check my followers and try to keep up with the current hastags.
Sounds good to me! Hehe
I didn't really hate it but I felt indifferent about it... when, one day, I wanted to take a break from facebook [Times before Steemit, obviously...!] ...Guess what, I got obsessed !!! :D
Now I use it if:
I have 2 accounts, one for my blog as meanmommy before Steemit -but not using it anymore- and my personal/photography one as Penny D. Photo or @franticloop22 ;)
You got my follow deary!
I think twitter is becoming steemit -no notification whatsoever for the follow :P xD Thank God you told me ... Followed back hehe! Let the follows on ALL social media begin!
Howdy! Followed you on twitter, ColumBuzz :)
Followed back dear!
I'm not active there anymore but when I get into more of a routine here I may give it another go, since you're enjoying it so much. I've followed you so I can get stuck in straight away when I return there!
I will follow you, my twitter is merriaan_a
Leuk, ben benieuwd om je op mijn twitter te zien. En ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik ook niet zo super actief op twitter ben, maar wie weet veranderd dat ... https://twitter.com/CalistoFoto
Ja tof :)
Ik vind het heel leuk om verder te leren over crypto en om Steemians beter te leren kennen!
I gave up on Twitter a long time ago. You do make a valid case to go back, but for now I just use it to do those ICO crypto bounties :D
Come hang out with me on there too!!! :)
Twitter has been my online home for a LONG time, although I've kinda neglected it since starting up here in the past month. I'm didic there too.
Got ya!
Yeaa i like it a lot now.
Crypto community got me totally hooked
Yh we could do a little meet up on Twitter too.. hehehe.. https://twitter.com/Fuckn_Dude
Yea exactly! :)