I am really starting to get annoyed at the Facebook/Twitter/Reddit agendas. We all know they exist at this point. There is even evidence to suggest that the whole "Killer Clown" craze a while back was actually a Facebook manipulation campaign to insight fear and start copycat events. We've seen people livestream murders on Facebook at this point. Twitter is no better. I mainly use it as way to direct communicate with some steemians if I need to, but I am about ready to just ditch it too. I'm glad steemit hasn't turned into a platform of curated fear based mind control tactics. Let's keep it that way. Promoting hate and violence is a way to keep people segregated and hating each other. Don't fall for these stupid games. No, I'm not taking sides because people are all just people to me. Namaste.

I'm just sick of the whole subject to be honest. None of my gay friends seem to be disadvantaged in any way, not here in Ireland. They have a disproportionately loud voice in media/politics, especially compared to those who I believe are the most disadvantaged, the sick, the poor, the elderly. Das jus me tho.
I agree!
I'm not straight either ( I go both ways). And I never have felt like a "victim" or discriminated against. I sometimes feel like the people who are constantly "announcing" their "label" all over the place. Are going to feel like that, because eventually someone is going to say something against it. I keep my sexuality to myself most of the time. Why? Because in most situations you encounter it's NOT important. It's not like something like that is asked on a job application LOL.
When we overuse "labels" it just divides us as people! We should be using the money like you said to help the poor and elderly.
I hate all these weird agendas. Like what are they trying to do? I'm glad Steemit isn't pushing this crap on us!
Usually I don't entertain that nonsense, but it seemed very much like some stupid agenda. I don't think any of my gay friends ever compared being straight to the KKK lol. I dunno I just drove 13 hours straight and I'm going passout for a bit!
Meh... seems to me like every day is becoming #new-world-record-lowbrow-day
This is just retarded... the race baiting wasn't enough? Now let's further divide people into boxes.
I think you're really underestimating how stupid people on just on their own.
You really think this is just herd mentality with no help? It's possible, but I mean who the hell just wakes up and thinks, "We should start an irreverent agenda to promote segregation on Twitter today!"
Actually yes. There are studies showing that humans are extremely tribal and that emotion will almost always override rational thought in quite ridiculous ways. Search for "tribalism controls human behavior" or "emotion overriding rational thought" and you'll find some very interesting experiments.
Yep, another fb manipulation program to distract and divide. I am so glad that I have for the most part removed myself from fb.
I generally don't even pay attention to it anymore, but this was just all over the place when I checked Twitter earlier...
One day we will all wake up and realise how silly we really are!
I'm really just kind of dumbfounded at this one...
Who knows what will be next.....but whatever it is I'm sure it will be well received and supported by the politically correct masses.:(