Twitter Temporary Political Censorship of my Friend Percy Blooms:
Make this go Viral and everyone tell Twitter CEO: Jack Dorsey to lift the limited restrictions to his Twitter Account.
His Story Explained on Soundcloud.
Part 2 Followup Eddie Taylor Interviewing Percy Moorman Show -May 26, 2018
Part 1 Interview Posted 3 Months Ago:
His Youtube Video Below:
The World Bond of Peace and Affidavit of Notice of Treaty of 1213 and Treaty of Verona
Original Audio of Interview was posted Here:
Forgot to Add URL Youtube Link Steemit doesn't have an Edit Function: The World Bond of Peace and Affidavit of Notice of Treaty of 1213 and Treaty of Verona
HIDDEN CAMERA: Twitter Engineers To "Ban a Way of Talking" Through "Shadow Banning"