Wtf? Seriously? Twitter email I just received

in #twitter7 years ago (edited)


This is utter nonsense!


Anyone else get this email ? Please comment below if so
Below are some others more known sharing same



Wow talk about looking for a scapegoat! At least they cant mess with steemit! Makes steemit that much more valuable for sure. Bummer though, sorry to hear.

So Twitter is now judging who's an acceptable influencer on Twitter and who's not. Happy we've got steem.

I was born in the 90's and this reeks of cold war era scare tactics. First we have Hawaii missile scare and now this. It's almost like they need the citizens to be on edge so we believe the outcome of their next charade.

You're one of those Russian's we keep hearing about !😂😂

I just added more accounts of this from others. Check it out

Added to this post I mean
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