As 2017 is drawing at its end, it's time to look back at it.
While on a personal level 2017 was comparable with the Belgian weather (sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunny but mostly raining and more often than not pouring), it was a grand cru on a photographic level.
2017 will be marked as the year that, after years trying to find the right gear for me, I came back to Pentax (and regretted ever going away from the brand. Because of that I began shooting more again and this year I have a lot of shots of which I am happy (more than previous years.)
2017 is also the year where I began shooting film again hence the shot that I post here: it summarizes everything...
And you what meant 2017 for you on a photographic level? Put #twothousandseventeen and I'll upvote your post...!