in #tyranny8 years ago

Today’s Threats

From what is known of history and archeology, the current era probably represents the time of greatest risk to human survival ever. The top 6 threats include:

  • Thermonuclear war with China and/or Russia
  • Fukushima and several less prominent radiation-leaking reactors
  • Worldwide biological warfare
  • Complete societal collapse due to economic, monetary and financial implosion
  • Collectivist takeover of all resources through revolution, martial law, and United Nations military actions
  • Slaughter and/or enslavement of large sectors of the world population, through war, police state brutality, famine, GMO foods, fluorinated water, false-flag attacks, chem-trail air pollution, “wars” on drugs and terrorism, and FEMA death camps.

And this is just the short list. A complete list would be many times larger.

It is important to note that presumably natural phenomena such as hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, climate change, asteroid collisions and other such events don’t even make it to the top list.

What these threats have in common is the fact that, unlike global climate change, they are all the result of human activity… specifically the actions of various governments that are leading the way toward a predictable holocaust.

The Biggest Lies

Since the biggest threats are initiated and perpetuated by governments, and since they consistently deny their culpability, it follows that those in government are the authors of the biggest lies.

Is it a surprise to know that the government of the U.S. lies to you? Isn’t it “common knowledge” that politicians constantly lie and make promises they have no intention of keeping? How can you know this and yet continue to play in their pageants (by voting for instance) and supporting their outrageous “budgets”? If you vote, you are a living example of the phenomenon George Orwell called “double-think”...simultaneously believing two or more mutually exclusive statements to be true. It’s insane!

The Prime Example: 9/11

Perhaps the most poignant example of how the US government has lied to the public is the case of the infamous attacks of 9/11/2001. The official conspiracy theory tells us this massive undertaking was pulled off by 19 Arabs armed with box cutters and led by a man who was undergoing dialysis while living in a cave in Afghanistan.

Today there are many sources of reliable information concerning the events of that day; and one of the best is the website of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Here you will find an extensive compendium of articles, videos, data, and analysis of the events of 9/11. By any objective criterion one might choose, the evidence is overwhelming that some highly placed people in the US government were actively complicit in the production of the WTC and Pentagon well in the systematic cover-up that prevented a real forensic investigation into the identities and motives of the perpetrators. If you are inclined to dismiss this statement without reviewing the facts yourself, you are a victim of severe indoctrination and mind control.

As a child, I too spent 13 years attending schools where I was required to pledge to the flag and sing patriotic songs – but I never let that experience take total control of my mind. I too watched TV and was subjected to all manner of subtle propaganda embedded in the programs and movies that I watched – but I kept building my thinking skills until I started questioning the systemic lies. It came as a severe shock to my psyche to eventually discover that governments are all lying, thieving, immoral, parasitic crime syndicates. Up until the age of 32 I actually believed that government was an inherently good institution… that just needed a little “tweaking” to make it good for mankind. I was so wrong.

Those Responsible

A real forensic investigation of 9/11 would quickly raise suspicions concerning Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Clinton heading the list of probable conspirators. And other members of the US military and “intelligence” communities also had to be in the know about the facts. Why have the contradictions in the official story not been reported by the media? How were the normal roles of NYPD and FBI subverted to prevent a real investigation?

The Failure of “Justice”

In New York, most of the pieces of the 3 towers that were demolished were small enough to be loaded onto flat-bed trucks and shipped off to China as scrap metal… by means of a large fleet of suitable trucks that just happened to be immediately available for the task. Forensic examination of those pieces would have taken weeks under normal circumstances...and they’d have been laid out alongside debris of the aircraft in a hangar, or similar building, where they could be scrutinized at length. Instead they were rapidly spirited away and destroyed.

In Washington DC there were multiple outdoor surveillance cameras that recorded the impact of what was probably a sophisticated drone launching a missile at the Pentagon. The FBI confiscated all of these recordings and no one has seen them since… not even the 9/11 Commission tasked with performing the cover-up. Do you actually believe such destruction of evidence was unknown to the commission? Did the commission members not seek out witnesses to the Pentagon strike? Did none of them ask to see the surveillance footage? How stupid and incompetent do you suppose they all were? And why did their report not even mention the implosion of WTC-7, the 47 story tower that fell at free-fall acceleration without ever being hit by a plane – and whose collapse was announced on a TV news program before the collapse ever took place

Let’s not stop there. Was there no one in the whole government – in Congress or the Senate who, since 9/11, has visited and come away knowing that the attacks were orchestrated by members of the US government?

Yes the Saudis were involved...and yes the Israelis probably were too. But the whole operation would have been impossible without the full cooperation of key members of the US government… who more than likely orchestrated the whole operation.

Is all of the congress that stupid, that uncaring, or that incompetent? Why has no action been taken by the Congress, the FBI, the DOJ, or anyone else in government to call for and launch a real criminal investigation? I’m afraid the answers are obvious.

The Logical Conclusions

It is a well known fact that government service, particularly in legislative roles, attracts people who hunger for power over others… in a word, psychopaths and sociopaths. These folks are neither stupid nor incompetent – but they are uncaring in the extreme. They have no conscience, no empathy, and no remorse. They live only to serve their own interests, and care not who or how many suffer and die for them to get their way.

As a result, government is a machine designed and built to serve only its owners, those who own and control the central banks. If those owners (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, etc.) want to acquire control over middle-east oilfields and doing so means killing a few thousand Americans, the machine of government swings into action and the job gets done. If doing that causes grief and suffering for a few million foreigners, the government doesn’t have any qualms about delivering the desired results.

The government participants in the attacks of 9/11 are well aware of the consequences of becoming whistle-blowers. Just look at the fates of all the people who’ve agreed to testify against the Clintons. They never make it to court or to the congressional hearings to which they get invited. Instead, they die in interesting ways. Those who don’t want to be judged suicides for shooting themselves TWICE in the head, refrain from becoming whistle-blowers.

Is There Any Reason to Hope?

Once one realizes that government doesn’t exist to serve the public – and that it is actually a crime syndicate, as remorselessly self-serving as the Mafia, and that it cannot be redesigned or “fixed” by the public, it becomes obvious that it can only be defeated by being “starved” out of existence. Withdrawal of all forms of public support is the only way the beast of government can be killed. Armed rebellion is tempting, but it never works. It just replaces one armed gang with another.

have hope in your life again!

.Fortunately, there exists a new organizational paradigm that has the potential to make the government system obsolete and irrelevant, as Buckminster Fuller suggested so many years ago. You can learn about it at and...


I was hoping you would write an article on Titanians et al., and now you have. I'm glad to see it here.

Kick ass Brotha! I love it! Anytime the word government is used I cross it out in my mind and put the word MAFIA in its place