tyranny checklist

in #tyranny7 years ago (edited)

This is a video I uploaded to YT seven years ago. It generated a lot of buzz and appeared to be "going viral", when suddenly it stopped getting any more views. It was like it disappeared from the internet, except to myself and anyone I directly linked. It's had maybe five views in the past five years. Hmmm.
Let's have another look at this 15 point checklist. Are we living in tyranny right now?

▶️ DTube

I for one appreciate what you do. I found out about you from ZolnaReport, who is on Steemit & on https://zolnareport.com/ He too are experiencing the same problems as you and I have. Others on Gab.ai who are on Steemit that I've corresponded with are experiencing the same problems. I've shared & reposted videos, articles, and memes. All Silence Crickets on Steemit, while on Gab, tons of Views.
All about WHO you know and NOT what you know.

Those who have done very well on here such as Titus Frost, all about the connections he knows to Steemit, etc. That is why he's done well on this platform.

Unfortunately, I don't have the connections and all of the networking out there, whatsoever. Recently found out about Steemit Chat . This link with promoting posts on this discussion board. No matter how many I post here. Nothing seems to work. https://steemit.chat/channel/postpromotion
Also, through here. Went to the Help channel in the Steemit Chat and asked what is going on here with lack of views, upvotes, etc. All of which were ignored and assumed that I have all of the networking available. From there, was directed to Discord Chat. https://discordapp.com/channels/319885228464406528/368770279062634507
Still don't understand it. Most of the channels, you can't post. Registration is lacking. Addressed the same problem, they said the same networking assume card.

Went back to Steemit chat and asked about Troubleshooting for those who aren't computer savy and want to speak to a person, rather than this chat such as a Customer Service 1-800 Phone #. All of what I asked some basic questions that were never included in the Steemit guide were ignored. Seems to me you can't ask anything anywhere anymore. Very disappointing. Lack of Common Sense for sure with Steemit Customer Service.

You're not the only one experiencing the same issues on this site. That is why I too rarely post and have been doing combo posting, because I'm feed up with it all.

Been dealing with caregiving for a dying parent with a severe blood disorder. Dealing with a Tyrannical Blood DR. who only cares about herself and not about the Patient a.k.a. my Father's well being. When you have a Blood Disorder, you feel weak all over, some days are better than others, pain is so-so. For this so-called Dr. to NOT accept questions even when it's related to the blood disorder. All we asked was my Father's legs were inflamed and asked if this was a pre-cursor to a blood clot. All of a sudden this DR. went Full Goon on us for asking a question and immediately said you have to see your Primary Dr. I was pissed off and explained that out Primary is Referral Service & either way would refer us to the Specialist or go the ER. Wasn't that bad, but since we had to come in that day. Plus, it's very difficult getting my Father in & out due to Immobility due to the Severe Spinal Stenosis affects your ability to walk and hunched over causing severe pain in the back . All of which this DR. ignores, because the blood disorder affects everything and your well being. Other DR.'s know what kind of a person this Blood DR. is. I was kicked out twice in her office that day for saying "Well we just didn't get to it, because it wasn't that bad & either way we have to see you." She yelled at my parents and did a half-ass job making it as though she made a call to an appointment to our primary for an appointment and that was it. When I was asked to come back in, my parents and I knew there is no way my Father could come in two days in a row, why because it's very hard on him and would be weaker the next day to recover from all the effort being out that day. I was pissed off and I called that so-called DR. a Jackass. Then, she kicked me out again for saying that. After the blood transfusion he receives every two weeks. We went to the ER to have his legs looked at. Turns out we were right and the Blood Dr. was wrong, the legs were a pre-cursor to a blood clot, because his INR/Blood Count was way too high(of which the Blood DR. won't check out, because the medication for the INR/Blood Count is ordered by the Primary Dr., Yet other Dr.'s go ahead & find out for themselves what his INR is for the patient's well being & as long & they keep the Primary Dr. in the Loop, there's no problem, & this Blood Dr. doesn't want to be bothered with anything) and as a result had to be of a Blood Thinner drug for 3-4 days. Plus, the other problem with his legs was too much water retention & up the dose a bit of the water pill, which helped. Other reasons why I'm pissed off at this DR. is because she almost killed my Father with the 2 Chemo drugs due the adverse side effects, one drug Aranesp took 6 weeks for the effects of the drug to disappear and the Blood Dr. was pissed on why didn't we do this and that all of which we did contact so and so. Informed her office on what's going on & if need be will go to the ER. I found out evidence that proved the Drugs caused the adverse side effects and not the disease. This DR. continues handing out these drugs as candy, plus has expressed no concern for patient's well being. Only for her own ass. I was disgusted that my own parents(blue-pill, no asleep) refuse to call her out for what she really is, and refuse to give it to her straight. As a result, they label me as a nutcase. Well I told them/my parents I DO NOT CONSENT. Sick and Tired of the Lies and being Poisoned, Controlled by Tyrannical Gov.'s and for you not say anything is a big disservice.

Sorry to go on and on. But, that is how I feel and I'm of it, period. Again you are not alone. There's no one in my family nor friends to talk to, because they are asleep and refuse to listen. I apologize for the long rant. Things have not been good here with everything. Said what I needed to say in previous posts about Steemit & asked very simple questions, & if this continues, then what's the point in posting. All about who you know is what counts, not everyone knows everything. Very disappointing and Frustrating.

Thanks for your long post : )
Caring for an ill family member is extremely hard. You're going through a lot! Wow. Try and make a bit of time for yourself and your health... you can't help anybody if you're sick or dead.
I did have some luck when posting a video using the tag "introduceyourself".... did that and got noticed a bit. I hope that if I keep putting out quality content, and making quality comments, it will pay off in views (which indicates to me my voice is being heard). If I earn digital currency units, nice bonus.

Ironically, the re-upload is doing really well on YouTube. Here?