Anti-Melting Pot America: Were the First Sports Teams of Elite Colleges Clones?

in #tyre9 months ago


I was taken aback at the blank and strange stares of these old photos of the earliest college sports teams. You know the ones, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and so on.

So on a hunch, I started collecting photographs of these and reading the various information on these schools, especially focused on their first students, the very first batches of kids.

retardation among football photos.jpg

retardation among football teams of 1890s in dartmouth college.jpg



To my surprise, many of them look like grown-up, partly abused posable adults. Some even have the same exact facial features, resembling brothers and sisters, maybe even perfect twins.

You may even find photos of the teacher grasping an odd student that is gazing away from the camera with an autistic/mentally challenged agape mouth. I am merely observing, but the striking recurrence of twins in these "sports team" photos of elite colleges is really, really outstanding.

If correct, why in the world would these elite colleges enroll these folks, surely they would pick top performing athletes?!

But, alas, as with the 'Orphan trains' at the beginning of this country, there is a deeper, weirder story behind these pictures.

**I've previously covered the cabbage babies but here are some primer images: **

  1. Cabbage babies were genetically modified children. They are likely the orphans won from killing of the Tyrians/Sidonians in the West and the East (the bird of Tartary with its two wings covering the earth).
  2. They were sold in high volume and distributed globally, not just the US - not just Coney Island, so to speak. The post cards and the culture was about trafficking in the open, not because they were taken from war as spoils of war, but because COMPANIES were bustling with the ACTUAL GROSS production (think 'mass production lines') of children.
  3. The Occam's Razor for this claim is this patent lawsuit, which shouts to me a keen understanding of genes, manipulation of genes. It describes the Entwined serpent, not in the context of some obscure Egyptian-mysticism-craze of the 1920s, but with a distinctly medical context for the symbol. The postcards and photographs featuring this exact branded of device in 'cabbage baby' postcard sales of children seals the deal.

So then, what are these fancy Yale kids? Probably, the offspring of cloning the genealogical pools of "orphans" of Tyrians that were conquered and brought by boat and plane and dirigible to the North American lands, distributed by train systems inherited from Tartarus:


Not all babies turned out right, but a side effect of mass production of children must have been genetic defects being high. This also explains the loose gazes of thousands of photos of "settlers", young, awkwardly dressed men and women, sometimes held in place by another person for a strangely posed "historical" photo.

I would even venture to say that this practice has continued down the line to our pop stars and rappers in 2024.

A thoughtful and attentive Quora user pointed out:


Maude Frazier, overseer of the population of Las Vegas' first crop of humans

Maude Frazier is one of my favorite gems in the dark because her own diarization and self-engraving for history of Las Vegas, Nevada's education system says it all so succinctly I didn't have to do much heavy lifting!
