I continue my challenge - #mychild365.
The rules for my contest have changed, and have become more loyal. For more details see https://steemit.com/mychild365/@cranium/simplify-rules-mychild365.
Всем привет.
Я продолжаю свой вызов - #mychild365. Правила моего челенджа изменились, и стали более лояльными. Более подробно в статье - https://steemit.com/mychild365/@cranium/simplify-rules-mychild365.
There is nothing worse for the parents than the children that get sick. Today, Andrei has a high fever. Because of this, he is capricious, and my mother can not find a place for herself. At such times I need to set an example of perseverance that everyone would feel my support.
Нет ничего хуже для родителей, чем дети что болеють. Сегодня у Андрея высокая температура. Из-за этого он капризничает, а мама не может найти себе места. В такие моменты мне нужно подавать пример стойкости, что бы все чувствовали мою опору.
Цените жизнь. Удачи Вам и добра.

Здоровья маленькому ангелочку!
That's the most disappointing thing for any parent.
Appreciate you for initiating this challenge.
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Thanks for the great comment. I am very pleased to read such informative comments. Good luck to you and kind regards
Your son is very very cute . God bless him . May he gets all his wishes and success .
Thanks for the great comment. I am very pleased to read such informative comments. Good luck to you and kind regards
Hey baby you are so adorable and cute.
Hey baby you are so funny and lovely.
Hey baby you are so smart and naughty.
Hey baby you are heart of your parents.
Hey baby I love you so much.
Thanks for the great comment. I am very pleased to read such informative comments. Good luck to you and kind regards
My pleasure too that you like my comments.