Ah, what a beautiful time to be a russian citizen. There's always this disconnect between the civilians and the government, and I just hate that people hate russians so much these days, limit our services and stuff. While I do agree the government should be punished, and, honestly 60% of russian civilian population (and that's being very generous, ideally I'd say 80) should be accountable for it. The loud minorities, aka young adults who know what internet is started their screaming when it all began but nowadays it's just the "OH, the government did something horrible let's all hate it and be displeased" and two days later everything is back to normal, everyone is fine now. Why does it happen you ask? Because russia was built to be this "rebellious resistant". On peaceful protests you get twice as many guards as there can be people, so no wonder people are powerless to do much. The government uses basic ass simple "they're all ugly gays and we don't want these abominations to be in our country" and "THEY are the enemies, help OUR soldiers" and that's enough. The cult of war has been growing in rich soil here and if you aren't happy with it or disagree with the government - tough luck, you can't tell them anything, can't protest, can't even leave the country anymore.
I really hate to see this is happening, I really hate to see meaningless destruction, zombification and stupidity growing everywhere, but in all honesty, do you really think it's not the fault of what I call "hivemind"? Yes, the hivemind is usually 99% of the Earth's population who don't have mental strength to resist even the most basic crowd urges, but in our government imagine if Putin, the sole president, said something that would contradict the rest of the party's views? He'd at least lose money and at max lose their trust. He's also controlled by their tiny hivemind designed around forcing others to stay powerless, thus keeping themselves powerful. All I ask is that you don't judge all russians the same way, it's more of a biological issue than cultural. If russians (but to be honest, if everyone) could think with their own brain, no war would have happened. Yes, there are crazy Putin supporters, and a lot of them, they just don't inhabit the internet, but I highly doubt their empty screams of "all countries shall belong to Putin!" would have gone anywhere. But I can assure you, as long as China is trading with russia, russia won't stop attacking, so to end this war one needs to either do what they say or end russia as a country. There's no other way in my eyes. But, hell, I'm so sorry this happened to you, and I hate how I can't do anything about it. I don't even have a bank account because I'm hiding from the authorities to send you any money so... My condolences, dear