Cobwebs in the vineyard

in #ua5 years ago
Коли надворі туман, повітря дуже вогке. Через це павутиння, яке у суху погоду є майже невидимим, вкривається дрібними крапельками води. Тоді ти розумаєш, як багато місць у твоєму саду насправді вкрито цим павутинням. Наприклад багато павутини є у винограднику і це природне мереживо з водяних крапельок на тоненьких ниточках-павутинках виглядає дуже красиво на фоні насичених кольорів виноградних грон. Я зробила декілька фото, щоб ви побачили це власними очима.When it is foggy outside, the air is very damp. Due to this web, which is almost invisible in dry weather, is covered with small droplets of water. Then you realize how many places in your garden are actually covered by this spider web. For example, many cobwebs are found in the vineyard and this natural lace made of water droplets on thin spider webs looks very beautiful against the background of rich colors of grape bunches. I took some pictures so you can see it with your own eyes.






Absolutely gorgeous photos @shady, nice job. Spider webs can be really interesting, we get a lot of them throughout our gardens, on the deck outside and even catch them in the corners inside the house. I wish they would mind their manners and stay outside where they belong. haha

And still it is an integral sign of autumn, it is even beautiful!

Beautiful photographs depicting nature coming together in perfect harmony. The spiders help by keeping harmful insects off the grapes and grapevines instead of using dangerous chemicals🕸🍇🌿

Yes, you are right, everything in nature has a purpose!

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