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RE: What do you think about the uber and traditional taxi drivers?

in #uber7 years ago

Interesting. I just finished my first shift of work today for my local taxi company, Arrow Express Taxi.

I'm sure that there are some markets where taxi's cost is very, very expensive. My town is pretty small: Ontario, Oregon - and there's about 50,000 people within a 20-mile radius. It's a rurual, agricultural area. You can go across town, with a stop, then back home again for $8. That does not seem too bad. However, I've been in big cities and have seen how their fares do seem to be much higher.

When it comes to Uber, here is the problem: in my small town it will cost you a fee of $2,000 per year to run a taxi service & have your cabs "certified" by City Hall. Along comes an Uber driver: they have not paid the tax or the fee - and they give people rides for less money. They ARE actually breaking the law, in my town. If caught, I'm sure there will be an expensive fine.

But, who knows they are a taxi? Probably nobody. In larger cities, I could see cab-companies actually calling in Uber drivers, taking their pictures, and reporting their "criminal activities" to the police - who would just have to look up their license plate numbers at the DMV, then mail them out a hefty fine or an order to appear in court at some point to defend against criminal charges.

Honestly, maybe Uber has found some way around some of these legal issues - but I doubt that the local City Halls and cab companies will be sitting still and allowing a business to operate without an "ante up."