I don't like the idea of UBI at all. And the fact that they are being advocated for by elitists should be a concern for many. No decent, free society should need a system of hand outs for all. Yes people who are struggling or infirm should be helped as it is right and just to do so, however once you get to the point of handing out free money/food stamps/tokens to all I fear electronic tyranny will closely follow.
The best way to manage what citizens spend their handouts on would be an embedded chip system which could be switched on or off at the whim of TPTB and I fear that accepting this totalitarian-tip-toe of having us accept such a system would start with getting people hooked on freebies.
I love blockchain technology and crytocurrencies and it would be devastating if they ended up being used to enslave people by the elites they were designed to help us escape from.
Just my opinion of course however take a look a this:-
I'm sure some of you reading this will be aware already but for those who aren't UBI may be the worsed kind of Trojan horse.
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