Rebecca Gretz wrote: Exciting news in Walsenburg!
Members of Ubuntu USA, in collaboration with District ONE and Critical Thinkers, have purchased a 13,000sqft building, along with 6 city lots. We are in the process of creating Ubuntu One Small Town projects with this property, including housing for contributors, growing food, creating a healing center and potentially, a tiny home community built by and for veterans.
We are in the beginning stages and there is a lot of work that the building needs, but we are excited to begin and share how things are going as well as announce the opportunity for real, hands on contribution... either physically, if you have skills that are needed at this time, or financially to help make this project a domino that will start the Ubuntu paradigm.
Hello sorry for asking but please help steem get listed in this exchange by voting for it. it might help increase the value of steem which will benefit everyone. and if you can please help spread the word around. Thank you in advance for your help.
"Rebecca, How can we contribute financially?"
We will have a crowd funding campaign, including video and more details very shortly... I am working on getting a project specific paypal account setup for this project so that funds raised for this project can be tracked and transparently reported.
Please be patient. We'll be ready to receive financial contributions soon. <3
Thanks for asking!
In the meantime, you can contribute financially with the donate button on District ONE's page:
in the footer.
Please make sure that the email that is receiving funds is [email protected]... and not someone else. Also please make a note in the PayPal window that this is for the Ubuntu Project and it might be helpful to check the box with your mailing address so that we can keep in touch specifically about this project. RG
These UBUNTU Pilgrims are going to need our help to succeed, if everyone here could even send them just $1 a week or more each, they will easily be able to pay off the mortgage in 1 year and not need to refinance it. Then they could look for more property and businesses to further grow UBUNTU in Walsenburg, Colorado and other local small Towns.
Looks like a great project