A couple shots at weigh-ins
And now they arena is set and ready for some fights
To the left of this next picture you see my projector all set up and a little off in the distance you can see a camera and spotlight
A couple shots at weigh-ins
And now they arena is set and ready for some fights
To the left of this next picture you see my projector all set up and a little off in the distance you can see a camera and spotlight
Enjoy is this your first live UFC?
No sir, I am on my 4th year working UFC as a projectionist! Maybe close to 100th
Wow id say you have witnessed some grate fights seen 5 live between Ireland and England hope to come to the US next year to a fight
Thanks for sharing those pics !
Awesome man, have a great time, I haven't been to a live one in a while, very jealous.
This will be great