UFO's go farther back than even in the Bible's Genesis and the Bibles origin was roughly 1008 CE written in Cario Egypt and they say the earth is 6000 year's old. The Leningrad Codex Latin for codex of Leningrad is the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible in Hebrew, using the Masoretic Text and Tiberian vocalization. Let's investigate how they got the number's and what we can find about UFO's and Aliens while we're at it, Let's GO!
Genesis 6: 1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, Genesis 6: 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Genesis 6: 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
A lot of people have taken this as an indication of some sort of extraterrestrial involvement or interbreeding or something with humanity or maybe even demons. The real question is Who was the B’ney Elohim and the Nephilim? B’ney Elohim literally means, The children of the gods, or the godlike perhaps ones with special powers man did not yet have as the literal meaning of Nephilim is, the fallen ones, we think that means fallen from the heavens the more obvious answer is like a literal comet or falling planet like Venus, or maybe a UFO spaceship.
Book of Ezekiel can be dated between 593 and 571 BC a mysterious ship is described as appearing from the sky in Chaldea modern-day Kuwait Ezekiel 1:4 I looked and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light The center of the fire looked like glowing metal Ezekiel 1:6 but each of them had four faces and four wings. Ezekiel 1:7 Their legs were straight their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze We identify the sons of God as the sons of Seth the sons of the chosen line who have received the kind of blessing from Adam that traces back to the beginning of human As the daughters of men in this category would be the women in the line of Cain who have inherited the problems that come with the sins of Cain There’s no doubt about the fact that these angels were men and not as some people think creatures different from men Scripture is unambiguous in what it declares.
Hebrews 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
The Dead Sea Scrolls in Hebrew are the oldest manuscripts, and are roughly from between 200BCE and 100CE. Which is right around the same time as the strange sightings were recorded around Rome in 218 B.C. Couple hundred years later, a wave of mysterious apparitions showed up in fourth-century China when a “moon boat” was documented floating over the country once every 12 years.
Noah’s Flood and the Earth’s Age which is Crucial apologetics for reaching today’s global culture and as early as 1000 BC they had covered nearly the entire continent and it is not known when the first people arrived in the Americas. Most of the indigenous people often had stories past down about shape shifters, lights, orbs, skin walkers, bigfoots, aliens, thunderbirds and many more in very many tribes spread throughout the world before this maybe perhaps it seems plausible.
What if the earth is not 6000 years old?
The Bible would have a mistake in it and it would be fallible right but the bible does give us a very specific history where we can actually calculate the age of the universe the Bible tells us God made everything in six days. Stop right there for a moment here lies a major problem people say but those days could be millions years. Those days could be long periods of time, but let's just put that aside for the moment if those days really were six 24-hour days then God actually created in six 24-hour days and on day six he made Adam. We learn as we read in the genealogy in Genesis we learned that Adam had a son Seth at a hundred and thirty and then Seth fathered Enosh at a hundred and five.
Enosh father Kenan at ninety and Kenan fathered Mahaleleel at 70 and then he father Jared at sixty-five. Jared fathered Enoch at 162 and Enoch fathered Methuselah at sixty-five and father Lamech at a hundred and seven. Lamech fathered Noah at 182 and so it goes on and you've got those very specific genealogies and you can add up all the dates and when you do and you get to know other flood and then you get to Abraham. From Abraham to Christ and then from the the that time to today plus 2000 adds up to about 6000 years so that's where we get the age of the earth from okay the Bible the way to show that we're all descendants of Adam.
Using the Bibles chronologies and historical data and the age of the earth is calculated to be around 6,000 years 2000 years from Adam to Abraham 2,000 years from Abraham to Christ and 2000 years from Christ to today. This is to show that God protected the seed of the woman that he promised in genesis so that history is very important by the way genealogies are and the details so if those days are six ordinary days is history and that is true then the age of the earth and universe starting from the Bible is 6000 years.
The stars was originally the 72 god names for humanity to always remember Adams bloodline as Adam made all the animal names which that are depicted by the stars, but not only that but the 3D visual resonance of Hebrew letters being spoken by god. If the bible is a big book of numbers and programming and the programming is made of the stars and the Hebrew shapes in vocalization then God is the ultimate architect and makes you wonder how these ancient people could tap into such a thing unknown by most when most was not literate for the past 2000 years other than mind control. Thoth was also said to have Even years and dates of people comes out oddly familiar when studying pyramid shapes and immortality being which is seen in the stars because they will be there forever, like for instance 2.5Bc and 2017 both line up at 26.3 degrees at the pyramids to the stars which makes 63.7 degrees left over and this points to 2444.5 and lines up with 2447 BC and Shem which brings up why this is important with Shem and Egyptian pyramids with resurrection and even UFO's and more of the unknown currently being hidden and studied secretly by governments and private organizations including religious organizations but let's talk about that more later.
The UFO's we commonly know about started to appear more recently within in the past 500 years, 50x10 and it start's with these unfamiliar objects in the sky were noted in Germany in 1561, The first recorded UFO sighting dates to 1639 when, long before the era of planes and satellites, John Winthrop wrote in his diary about a large, strange light in the sky that shot back and forth. By the time he and the other men on his boat got their wits about them, their vessel was a mile from where it had been when they first spotted the light. Even in Hull, England, in 1801, and multiple times during World War II also when Allied pilots used the term foo fighters to describe the odd circles of light pilots noticed flanking their planes during combat just to name some of the world facts.
Let's talk about America's First forgotten encounter's with UFO's.
The first documented image of a UFO was captured in 1870 on the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire. Arkansas’ history with UFOs goes back at least to April 20, 1897. Railroad conductor James Hooton claimed to be hunting in Homan when he came upon an otherworldly airship and chatted with its bespectacled pilot and crew. Hooton described the craft as cylindrical, with wheels and a horizontal blade above it that moved by compressed air. In Connecticut 13,000 UFO documents which included dozens of eyewitness accounts based stretching back to the 1940s were released on The Black Vault website. In North Carolina the stories stretch back to at least 1940 and have touched off a number of conspiracy theories about government cover-ups and experiments.
Between Cape Girardeau and Chaffee in Missouri Rev William Huffman in April of 1941 was called by the local sheriff to the site of a plane crash to deliver last rites. When he arrived, Huffman discovered it was not a terrestrial plane crash at all, but rather a damaged flying saucer that had caused a fire in a neighbor's field. He also found two alien bodies, one of which was already dead and the other dying. Members of the local Army corps arrived, barricaded the area, and confiscated all film from snap-happy photographers on the scene. This well-publicized event came just six years before the famed incident involving a supposed alien crash in Roswell, New Mexico.
February 24, 1942 in Los Angeles California there was the Battle of Los Angeles. In New Mexico’s history is inextricably tied to our fascination with possible alien life. In 1947, numerous eyewitnesses in Roswell claimed to have seen (or helped to cover up) a UFO crash site. Today, tourists can get their alien fixes at the International UFO Museum and Research Center, where you can learn about the most famous and many obscure claims of extraterrestrial activity and alien abduction in the U.S. and world.
Home to the first filmed evidence of a UFO, Washington is no stranger to close encounters of the third kind. On June 21, 1947, Harold A. Dahl reported to authorities that his son had been injured and his dog killed by flying debris from four to six circular objects in what became known as the Maury Island Incident. A witness was also apparently threatened by characters wearing all black, which became the inspiration for the popular “Men in Black” movies decades later.
On July 7th 1947 a pilot of a commercial photographic plane was mapping the region between Helena and Yellowstone Park. Baird claimed that he was at 32000 feet when he saw a flying disc then he took an evasive action and the disc appeared to split into two sections and lose altitude over the Tobacco Root Mountains of western Montana. Bozeman's base looked for the UFO on the ground but found nothing. The next day Baird's boss announced that the story was a hoax.
The Mantell Incident involved the crash and death of 25-year-old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot Captain Thomas F. Mantell on January 7, 1948 while in pursuit of a UFO. Historian David Michael Jacobs argued that the Mantell case marked a shift in both public and governmental perceptions of UFOs. In Montgomery Alabama, Chiles-Whitted had a UFO Encounter alleged to have occurred on July 24, 1948, when two American commercial pilots reported that their Douglas DC-3 had nearly collided with a strange torpedo shaped object. The incident was investigated by the US Air Force's Project Sign. Veteran World War II B-25 fighter pilot George F. Gorman had a 27-minute sky encounter with a white ball of light over Fargo North Dakota on Oct. 1, 1948 it was Known as the Gorman Dogfight as Gorman saw what he described as a flying disk with clear edges and many bright lights that he pursued for the better part of half an hour. Gorman attempted to make contact with the craft which dodged Gorman's advances at speeds in excess of 600 miles per hour and his story was verified by two air traffic controllers and another pilot flying in Fargo that night.
Some of the widely known UFO incidents in the 50's included on May 11th 1950 near McMinnville Oregon UFO photographs were taken on a farm by Paul and Evelyn Trent. In the Great Falls in Montana on August 15, 1950 garnered national media attention, as the concept of UFOs and alien invasion was extremely popular amongst Americans at the time.
Then August 25, 1951 in Lubbock Texas was Lights that made a v-shaped formation of lights seen over the town. After that in July 24, 1952 in Carson Sink Nevada was a famous UFO incident that occurred. In Burbank California on May 24, 1952 according to Angelucci in his book The Secret of the Saucers wrote in 1955, he began to encounter flying saucers and their friendly human-appearing pilots during his drives home from an aircraft plant. On July 13, 1952 inside Washington, D.C. was a series of unidentified flying reports all the way to July 29, 1952, over the Capital, flying objects near Washington spotted by both pilots and radar air force reveals reports of something perhaps saucers traveling slowly but jumping up and down. The Flatwoods monster was reported on September 12th in 1952 as six local boys and a local woman seen a UFO landing and later discovered a bizarre-looking creature near the site.
On November 23, 1953 in Sault Ste. Marie Michigan, Felix Moncla, Jr. was a United States Air Force pilot who disappeared with 2nd Lt. Robert Wilson while pursuing an unidentified flying object over Lake Superior in 1953. The US Air Force reported that Moncla had crashed and that the unknown object was a misidentified Canadian Air Force airplane, but the Royal Canadian Air Force RCAF disputed this claim reporting that none of their craft were near the area in question. Then Levelland UFO case occurred on November 2–3, 1957, in the small town of Levelland, Texas had a population of about 10,000, is located west of Lubbock on the flat prairie of the Texas panhandle.
In the 60's also had some of the most memorable and creditable UFO encounters in History like in Lancaster New Hampshire on September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials. Their story, commonly called the Hill Abduction and occasionally the Zeta Reticuli Incident, was the first widely publicized UFO abduction report. On April 24, 1964 near Socorro New Mexico a New Mexico police officer Lonnie Zamora reported a UFO close encounter. After that on September 3, 1965 in Exeter New Hampshire a UFO the size of a barn was seen as close as 500 feet away by a teenager and two police officers.
Then in Kecksburg September 19, 1961 a large, brilliant fireball was seen by thousands in at least six states and Ontario, Canada. It streaked over the Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario area, dropped reported metal debris over Michigan and northern Ohio, and caused sonic booms in western Pennsylvania. It was generally assumed and reported by the press to be a meteor. On April 17, 1966 in Akron Ohio two officers of the Portage County Sheriff's Department saw a moving object in the sky near Ravenna, Ohio following an investigation, the Air Force reported that the officers had observed an artificial satellite and the planet Venus. On the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana on March 16, 1967 involved reports of unidentified aircraft that allegedly affected the operational status of Echo Flight missile systems at the base and most creditably in 1969 in Leary Georgia Jimmy Carter claimed that he had seen a UFO in 1969.
In 1973, Governor of Georgia filed a report with the International UFO Bureau. October 11, 1973 in Pascagoula Mississippi there was the abduction of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, also known as the Pascagoula Abduction is, after the Hill Abduction, among the best-known cases of reports of alien abduction. On January 12, 1975 in North Bergen New Jersey in the North Hudson Park near the Stonehenge apartment building was reported in the Village Voice and other local media. On November 5, 1975 in Snowflake Arizona Travis Walton claims to have been abducted by a UFO while working on a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest Walton could not be found, but reappeared after five days of intensive searches. August 1979, in Marshall County, Minnesota, Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson was on duty and driving close to the North Dakota border when his patrol car was struck by a blinding ball of light. Johnson was knocked unconscious, and his patrol car was damaged.
On December 29, 1980 in Dayton Texas a reported UFO sighting in 1980, after which witnesses claimed damage to their health it is one of very few UFO cases to result in civil court proceedings and might be classified as a Close Encounter of the Second Kind, due to its reported physical effects on the witnesses and their automobile. Then on November 11, 1987 in Gulf Breeze Florida was a UFO incident.
50 years from 1947 would go to 1997 and here is what happened in Israel.
On 4 September Ben Yehuda Street Bombing including Three Hamas suicide bombers simultaneously blow themselves up on the Ben Yehuda Street pedestrian mall in Jerusalem, killing five Israelis this bombing was carried out by Palestinian Arabs from the village of Asira ash-Shamaliya. With Notable Israeli military operations against Palestinian militancy target. Assassination attempt on Khaled Mashal on 25 September there was two Mossad agents attempted to assassinate him he was the Hamas' Jordanian branch chief, in Jordan by injecting him a toxin in his ear. The operation failed after the Jordanian authorities managed to apprehend the two Mossad agents and later on, in exchange for their release, an Israeli physician had to fly to Amman and administer an antidote to Mashal. The fall out from the failed assassination eventually led to the release of Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of the Hamas movement, and scores of Hamas prisoners.
Newer UFO encounters and leaked information in America
In Highland, Illinois the Black Triangle (UFO) known as the St. Clair Triangle, sighting occurred on January 5, 2000, over the towns of Highland, Dupo, Lebanon, Summerfield, Millstadt, and O'Fallon, Illinois, beginning shortly after 4:00 am. Five on-duty Illinois police officers in separate locales, along with various other witnesses, sighted and reported a massive, silent, triangular aircraft operating at an unusual range of near-hover to incredible high speed at treetop altitudes. The incident was examined in an ABC Special "Seeing is Believing" by Peter Jennings which is pretty creditable by all means.
August 21, 2004 in Chicago Illinois another triangular formation of reddish lights were seen at low to intermediate altitude by hundreds of witnesses, on three separate occasions in late 2004 and early 2005, producing multiple videos, photos, and mainstream local news coverage over two suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. The objects maneuvered slowly within a busy airspace near O'Hare International Airport. The incident was reported by local media.
Then also in November 7, 2006 in Chicago Illinois approximately 4:30 p.m , federal authorities at Chicago O'Hare International Airport received a report that a group of twelve airport employees were witnessing a metallic, saucer-shaped craft hovering over gate C-17. In Morristown, New Jersey on January 5, 2009 known as the Morristown UFOs five unidentified red objects were seen, on April 1, 2009, Joe Rudy and Chris Russo admitted it was a hoax and came forward with video evidence proving they were the perpetrators, saying they wanted to demonstrate how easy it is to fool the so-called UFO experts.
Cigar-shaped object Oumuamua which zoomed through our solar system in 2017 a lot of people was almost certain it was a piece of alien technology. AS the object had a unusual, elongated shape unlike any known comet, extreme brightness and apparent acceleration away from the sun suggest that Oumuamua is not natural in origin, but a piece of alien technology possibly jettisoned into our solar system accidentally. Could be a buoy or a grid of pods for communication, or it could of been other intelligent living organisms defunct technology or discarded technological trash left behind as well is what some thought.
In a Desert in Arizona, according to the Federal Aviation Administration on February 19th 2018 three commercial pilots saw an unidentified object fly over them in open airspace above Arizona. Investigators reported that the pilots mostly likely saw a high-altitude research balloon. There was no standardized reporting mechanism existed until the Navy established one in March 2019. The Air Force subsequently adopted that mechanism in November 2020, but it remains limited to USG reporting.
On 21 February 2021 in Clayton New Mexico a pilot at an altitude of 37000 feet reported seeing a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing moving really fast right over the top of them according to published audio. American Airlines confirmed that the radio transmission came from flight 2292. FAA a few days later stated A pilot reported seeing an object over New Mexico shortly after noon local time, FAA air traffic controllers did not see any object in the area on their radarscopes.
June 2021 the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report detailing 144 UFO encounters between 2004 and 2021. The report was meant to assess the threat posed by unidentified aerial phenomena UAP and officially confirmed several UFO sightings that had until then only been shared through viral media as the 9-page assessment confirmed that most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects which range from birds and balloons to foreign surveillance equipment and top-secret US government projects. Anyone hoping for an acknowledgement of extraterrestrial intelligence may have been let down when the report failed to link any of the 144 encounters to alien activity as the reports originated from USG sources and 80 reports involved observation with multiple sensors.
In 18 incidents described in 21 reports observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics and some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind maneuver abruptly or move at considerable speed without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases military aircraft systems processed radio frequency RF energy associated with UAP sightings and it did reveal that not only were objects appearing in our skies that the Pentagon which controls the US military could not explain, but some clearly pose a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to US national security. The Pentagon also revealed that it has been taking UFOs so seriously that in 2007 it discreetly set up the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program AATIP which has been gathering data on Unexplained Aerial Phenomena UAPs ever since.
The massive data dump includes more than 2,700 pages of UFO-related documents declassified by the CIA since the 1980s The U.S. government also calls them unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP According to The Black Vault an online repository of UFO-related documents operated by author John Greenwald Jr. the documents were obtained through a long string of Freedom of Information Act FOIA requests filed over the last quarter century and over time so many requests piled up that the CIA created a CD-ROM full of declassified documents, known as The UFO collection In mid-2020 Greenwald purchased the CD-ROM and he recently finished uploading its contents as a series of searchable PDF files on The Black Vault.
More than three decades worth of government UFO records SETI intelligences are now yours to download thanks to the efforts of some intrepid truth-seekers behind some mask's in hoodies behind computer terminals and the release of information from normal people too. SETI always have been using radio waves tempting some way to communicate with extraterrestrials because these signals fit in a convenient gap in the electromagnetic spectrum called the water hole a frequency between 1420 and 1720 megahertz that is relatively free of cosmic background noise. On the other hand, radio waves broaden as they travel, meaning any message we send will become more diluted the farther from Earth it gets. Laser light does not have this problem however as the laser signals require incredible precision, and are unlikely to reach any alien observers unless we target our message directly to their star system so both these methods have their advantages and neither are perfect. The scientists prompted 152 lucid dreamers to dream about encounters with aliens or UFOs and found that a number of sleepers reported dreams that resembled actual descriptions of alleged alien abductions and of those who described their dream encounters as realistic and 24% also experienced sleep paralysis and intense fear.
Such emotions often accompany reports of supposed alien abductions, and though individuals who describe being kidnapped by aliens might truly believe that what they experienced was real these people were likely experiencing an extraterrestrial meeting while in a lucid dream. While human efforts to find alien civilizations among the stars have only kicked off in the last century or so more than 1700 alien civilizations could have been watching us for thousands of years prior. 1715 nearby star systems have had a perfect viewing angle of Earth over the last 5000 years and more than 1400 of them still have a clear view today All of these stars sit within about 300 light-years of our planet, and 75 of them orbit less than 100 light-years away Given that humans have been transmitting radio signals for about 100 years, any of those 75 star systems are near enough that our radio waves would have washed over them already according to a study published in the journal Nature.
Israel Bonus
Israel has a 50 Year Pattern and so does the Bible give or take a year points to World War 3 also the end and beginning of the worlds. The 777 Incarnations of the Pilgrimage of the Virgin spirits is 7 revolutions around the 7 globes of the 7 world periods that leads us to the 7x7 = 49 and this leads us to the 7 year pattern of the constellation Virgo. 70Ad + 1947 = 2017 would equal the 3rd Temple and the anointed time of Christ after 4 blood red moons in September 2017. 2017 is year 5777. The Fifty Years War is about the Israel and the Arabs since the start of the creation of the state of Israel in 1947 the region has been the scene of fierce power struggles injustice and tragic events a situation. 1947 Israeli independence took 20 years to complete in 1967 at the liberation of temple Mount. So 1947 + 20 = 1967, and then 2017 - 1967 = 50, as in the 50 year pattern again.
The planets are like gears and musical instruments that play in a tune and a frequency under the anarchy of all the galaxies around us in harmony with YHVH and all the Hebrew letters. This is kind of like psalms in the bible its another way to communicate like the gods do or or praying to them with letters and words and noises but in a universal way which many alien's or god's might understand if you notice how language came about. The 3 mother letters of Hebrew makes a staff and if you add them on top of each other they make the OHM symbol everyone is familiar with. These letters create the rest of the letters which in fact make a 6 pointed star of David for reference of the universe around us and as we are always in the middle of YHVH. The OHM symbol and the 3 Mother Letters are recognizing the Schumann resonance of the frequency and hertz of the earth and the body much like a tesla coil or perhaps even Onion's constellation for unlimited power or life if the correct tunes are played or received.
There was a video talking about the 3 sperm of the 3 children in the the lost gospel book that resembled the father mother and son and the 3 children I really didn't understand but I'm sure he means something crazy we're not so sure about I think he was trying something todo into this 777 pattern as well as the 50 year pattern.
Extra Bonus Tesla Research Files!!!
Tesla planned for at least two types of flying machines. One was of a fairly conventional design, but used a multi-stage Tesla Turbine powered by gasoline not steam to develop 100 HP for every 10 pounds of turbine weight. His second Aeronaut was to be powered by two large Tesla Magnets operating at 10 MHZ 10,000,000 Cycles per Second from either his earlier test of Wireless transmission or his second test of Power Reception from the Ionosphere. He drove a car with an electric motor powered he thought by his transmitter in Niagara Falls. He found out later that his power Transmitter was down for repairs during his test, but the car operated as he expected.
His second Aeronaut design had a Tesla magnet in the floor to give lift and another one aft to supply motive force as it was to be powered by his receiver device he had built for the Electric Car which consisted of a 6 volt car battery spinning a 6 volt motor connected to a stepper switch set to 0 cycles a second. The output of the stepper switch fed a Tuned Tank Circuit with an ariel attached which was Rectified into a series of 60 cycle pulses. these pulses fed a Tesla Magnet Transformer with a steel core Driven to Harmonic Oscillations. The output of this transformer fed his Coils or car motor.
In July of 1899, while tracking lightning storms alone with his magnifying transmitter in his Colorado Springs laboratory, Tesla observed a series of unusual rhythmic signals which he described as "counting codes. Having just detected cosmic radio signals for the first time and after ruling out solar and terrestrial causes, Tesla concluded that the signals must be from another planet and he suggested that it could be some attempt of communications from an intelligent life-form on either Venus or Mars.
Scientists published a study in 1996 replicating Tesla's experiments and showing that the signal was in fact caused by the moon Io passing through Jupiter’s magnetic field. An alternative explanation is that Tesla may have heard Marconi's wireless telegraphy demonstrations in Europe. Tesla also said that we are getting messages from the clouds one hundred miles away, possibly many times that distance. Do not leak it to the reporters then continued with Movements on instrument repeated as he seems to say that this concludes it to be a message from another planet but did not state that he had obtained a message from Mars he only expressed the conviction that the disturbances that he obtained were of planetary origin.
Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity 1897 that states that all bodies emit microwaves whose voltage and frequency are determined by their electrical contents and relative motion. Then he measured the microwave radiation of the earth as being only a few centimeters in wavelength. He said that the frequency and voltage were influenced by the velocity and mass of the earth, and that its gravitational interaction with other bodies such as the sun was determined by the interaction of the microwaves between the two bodies. Tesla used this high voltage at gigahertz frequencies for his electro pulsion system. The propulsion of a vehicle powered by a Tesla drive is by the use of an additional AC generator at the back which stiffens the space-time continuum behind the vehicle and a DC brush generator at the front which weakens the space-time continuum in front causing the vehicle to be pulled forwards.
What does empty space have in it?
Empty space actually contains independent carriers which permeate all space and all matter and from which all matter is made. These carry momentum, magnetism, electricity or electromagnetic force, and can be manipulated artificially or by nature as The Primary Solar Rays are like starlight's which travel at the speed of light and having frequencies far above X-rays as well as gamma and UV radiations. The Cosmic Rays particles in space propelled by the Primary Solar Rays. X-rays, Gamma rays and UV electromagnetic waves, all of which travel at the speed of light. The ordinary visible and Infra-Red electromagnetic waves which travel at the speed of light as rapidly varying electrostatic force of enormous potential, emanating from the earth and other gravitational bodies in space.
Why is a battery called an accumulator?
Cells which can thus be re-charged by the action of a reverse current are called accumulators because they " accumulate " the chemical work of an electric current the Reversible battery is an excellent name for accumulators as they are a functionally rechargeable device that is used for harnessing electrical energy stored in the form of chemical energy. Accumulators typically consist of one or more separate cells depending on the amount of energy they are required to store and/or dispense.
What is a Solid Mass-Centrifugal Propulsion System?
A Centrifugal Impulse Drive is new form of propulsion where electricity is turned directly into thrust to propel the spacecraft without expelling any mass. The system utilizes the characteristic that a rotary body can produce the centrifugal force in rotation to convert the centrifugal force into the horizontal driving force through reciprocating swing of an eccentric rotor, and accordingly can achieve propulsion without fuel by the (ISA) International Space Agency.
What is a reactionless drive?
A hypothetical device producing motion without the exhaust of a propellant. A propellantless drive is not necessarily reactionless when it constitutes an open system interacting with external fields but a reactionless drive is a particular case of a propellantless drive that is a closed system, presumably in contradiction with the law of conservation of momentum. Reactionless drives are often considered similar to a perpetual motion machine. The name comes from Newton's third law, often expressed as For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Many infeasible reactionless drives are a staple of science fiction for space propulsion.
What is Inertial propulsion drives?
They belong to a promising field of research and have therefore gained the attention of scientists and engineers in recent decades. These mechanisms are multi-body systems with eccentric masses in motion, usually presenting symmetry on one or two axes to compensate undesired forces in the direction orthogonal to the displacement. Displacement is produced by a propulsion force developed as a reaction to the variable centrifugal forces which are acting on a number of masses rotating on an eccentric trajectory.
What is Acoustic levitation?
It is also called Acoustophoresis and that is a method for suspending matter in a medium by using acoustic radiation pressure from intense sound waves in the medium sometimes sound waves at ultrasonic frequencies can be used to levitate objects, thus creating no sound heard by the human ear, such as was demonstrated at Otsuka Lab, while others use audible frequencies. There are various ways of emitting the sound wave, from creating a wave underneath the object and reflecting it back to its source, to using a transparent tank to create a large acoustic field. It is usually used for containerless processing which has become more important of late due to the small size and resistance of microchips and other such things in industry. Containerless processing may also be used for applications requiring very-high-purity materials or chemical reactions too rigorous to happen in a container. This method is harder to control than other methods of containerless processing such as electromagnetic levitation but has the advantage of being able to levitate nonconducting materials.
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EVCLIDIS Liber primus
This was made in 1571 which is Prime Number and it is the 248th prime number. This book has a guy with a spear seems to be on point according to a few people. The research overlooked was that 7 notes might hint to sevens exposed, just like the seals opened in revelation 6. Where it depicts a wedding where the Father Grant's the son, Apollyon, the key needed to open the seals. A wedding takes place and all those without the seal of the Most High's son are shut out; those without the blood of the lamb slain at the foundation of the world 3:4:5 The son of the Holy Trinity, the lamb opens the seals he who is firstborn & Abel to open the seals, being the true heir. 33.3 prime form has many meanings, like Liber Primus relates to Alpha and the One while Revelations can be called Omega or the end or 0. The angel in your dream, Israfil, wields the trumpet It is blown and all creatures perish. The Walls of Jericho has 7 horns 7 circles 7 priests and added together is 21. Spring is to Fall, as Alpha is to Omega.
Good luck can be traced back to the entity by the name Baal Gad which later became good luck and it might be a reference to this planetary body which is the same we saw birthed on 9 23 2017 through the legs of Virgo. There was lot's of things happening in around the same year including vault drops and so much information it was hard to tell what was misinformation and real and even the arrival of the strange Q-Anon character as well as many others including PsyOP missions from Cicada 3301 as well as other group's ranging from anonymous to just about any group of computer specialists. The program Stellarium is to determine the positions of the planets and constellations at that place in time to better determine the motive which might explain how these groups can foretell an event or even using A.I. being able to predict what the common person might do and with the surveillance always getting more high tech and people letting phones and sites to track them there is no way of telling where this is going from now.
60° degrees of a circle divided by 2.618(φ) golden ratio = 137.5° GA
The reciprocal of 137.5° = 0.00727272..
3301 / 137.5° = 24.00727272..
Twenty four hours with Seventy two rotations if you do it right.
The Lion is me in the image of the Leonine race note that the Sphinx which originally had a lion's head was built as a tribute to the Elohim Feline races of the Blue Ray Founders the resistance Nibiru Anunnaki defiled and altered it. The heart of the Great White Lion Planet Grid Network is located at the 12-dimensional (12D Ray) energy center (node, stargate portal) in south of France. It stabilizes the 12 primary 'vertical' axiatonal lines. The Golden Eagle Grid is anchored on the Iran Gate in the Middle east. It stabilizes the 12 primary horizontal Ley Lines. The Great White Lion is the Guardian of the North and South Ley Lines, and the Golden Eagle Grid the Guardian of the East and West Ley Lines.
If you can study the Music Theory of the Spheres maybe a little bit of the Bible and math codes with a little bit of how the Color of Sounds of Harmonic Wheel of light work fully then maybe we could have some chance of solving the world's greatest and most hidden secrets like Cicada or Telsa's hidden information or the UFO file's one never really knows what you can find or understand until failure a ton of times and finally some success. We understand your request to know more and appreciate your sincerity. Pilgrimage is an individual journey. In that spirit, it is not our role to provide leads or affirm which clues are valid. Nor to diminish the joy of another's journey of discovery by scoping anyone's path but this truth we can affirm there WILL come a time when a puzzle gleams so brightly that all will know of its successful unlocking and this will happen not once, but many times over as my good friend said.
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