Silly me. I always thought the aliens were green.
I think it's arrogant to assume alient life doesn't exist, but I also think it's a dream of sorts that they would find us or we would find them. It's just so improbable, I think. Then, if we did find them, why do we think they'd look so much like us?
We make them look weirdly proportioned, sure, but why would they be bipedal? We imagine them with large buggy eyes, but why would they have two eyes at all? Why not one, or ten? Why would they be placed horizontally?
Why would aliens be symmetrical? Why would they have heads, mouths, noses? I believe these are creations of the human imagination. Real alien life, most likely, is something we would not even recognise as remotely humanoid, if we were to ever encounter it.
I dare not talk about the green men-- it's all politically incorrect nowadays. Even "little" green men will get you in trouble, they prefer 'dimensionally suited' or something like that, so I avoid it.
It is funny too that humans think their bodies are worth reproducing-- can't take the cold, we have internal organs we don't need, senses we can't use anymore, can't jump, can't run fast, fly-- this form doesn't seem very well thought out.