I have been investigating and taking pictures of UFO phenomenon with other very well respected investigators about small craft/ships/machines that are spread out all over the world, every time, right up our noses and literally above our houses. These crafts vary in size and the most important characteristics is that they are shape shifters and have time/phase changing technology.
They normally interact with ORBS and are used as a monitoring device of people, ships, air planes, birds, cows. These craft are mainly used by beings with superior tech and intelligence to record and/or interact with people whom they are observing. It is a form of close contact. Often people do not know that they are there because of their shape shifting abilities. They can even mimic the behaviour of birds or even insects as they fly between them and manage to get confused and not get the attention they deserve.
They are normally observing in the early morning or night time. To be able to see them you need to do meditation exercises and focus on flying birds. You will be able to have a high chance to take a picture or even record them. They are deployed by bigger ships (UFO sized craft) that are normally over 10 meters or more above them. They collect information about the places or subjects that are being watched and simultaneously send the information to the main craft.
Do you want to take pics of them or record them?I suggest you use a camera and set it to manual or program mode with burst mode on and take for starters some 50 shots let us say on the rooftops of your house. You will have high chances of taking some nice shots of them.
Feel free to contact me as i have many pictures of them and real UFOs as well