We women always concentrate on what we don’t want in men but for a change let me concentrate on the most important things a woman wants in a man;
God fearing – Faith in God really matters, this brings love, patience, generosity and above all he will be able to respect you.
Kindness – This should not only be to me but other people in his life and community
Open minded and flexible – He shouldn’t be too quick to judge without analysing the situation
Intelligence – I love intellectual men especially those who love to read. We are all encouraged to read, write and listen more on a daily basis.
Calm in conflict – This is more necessary when your woman is louder than you in an argument. This prevents stuff like turning your home into a battle field.
Reliability/Presence – A man should be available for his woman in all circumstances, this brings assurance on the woman’s side.
Empathy – He should have a self-aware mind, see himself in other people’s shoes and perceive things in others point of view.
Financial Stability – Your man should have his finances in order or at least have ambitions his working upon to be able to take care of you or take up his role of husband/as the head of the family.
Principled – Every woman needs a man whose core values can’t be easily influenced, one who is loyal and fulfils his duty to family and friends.
Ambitious – A man who is ambitious is one who wants to better himself every day, he will able to build to his woman too
From a close knit family[bonus] – Family background really matters a lot, some people are broken because they come from broken homes.
So ladies please add more qualities you want in a man that I didn’t mention in the comments section
baba tolina muu