You can Plan For Your Success Just Like You Can Plan For Your Failure

in #uganda6 years ago


Hey guys, Its a beautiful today here in Uganda and today I want us to talk more about mind set when it comes to either success or failure.


Success has equal chances as failure so its up you to choose which side you want to take on. Most people choose the side of failure unknowingly and this always because of mind set.

Once you tell the inner person in you that you will not be able to do some thing, 100% you will fail to succeed in that particular thing and the reverse is true.

Many people take negative advise from friends who have failed because they want to console them selves yet positive minds will lead you to success.


But as you choose to listen to negative advises remember you are not only failing your self but your entire family and the entire generation because you will fail to add any value to the society which is quite very ab-sad according to me.

In reality, a determine mind will always achieve their success no matter the number of rejections, no matter the number of Nos they get, actually the more Nos you get the closer you are to a very big YES. Never quit because of a NO....Never and never. Take this right a way and do not look back.

Success is like looking out for a beautiful and wonderful woman to marry, you must face as many Nos as possible until you meet that person who will eventually say yes to you. and trust me if you finally get that yes then every one you ask out after that is likely to say Yes.

Success also works in that way you must face as many Nos as possible but if you finally get a yes, trust me yes ' will follow you right after that. Just stay focused and never think of quiting.


Let me tell you quiting is for people with less focus, people whose WHY is very weak. for example if you looking for money because you want to buy a new shoe, phone and all sorts of that luxurious staff then your chances of quiting is very high because some of this staff you can do with out them even when you give up.

I think by now your able to see my point and where I choose to build it from, your WHY should be very strong for you to achieve constant success and yes you can do it....yes we can do it. It is not always late you may not change your self but you can change your mind set...and trust me now is the time.

All You should keep in you mind includes;

  • I will do it
  • I can do it
  • I want to do it
  • How do I do it

Forget words like;

  • I cant do it
  • How do I do it

Thought of The Day from @manchochris


Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

hullo @manchochris, many people actually are discouraged by the numerous NO's they get , forgetting that failing first is better than failing last.