You've got some weird Canadian tastes in cars. BMW 8 series isn't that bad looking. The Firebird comparison is hilarious though, you're just about on to something:
The Espada looks like one of those big breed dogs mated with a chihuahua in that it looks like a 1970s Dodge Challenger banged a Citroen SM, or a modern Dodge Challenger banged a Prius. There's still something extremely badass about it, wagon look and all.
BTW, they call the BMW M Coupe "The Shoe"
Bahahahah. This comment made me giggle: "it looks like a 1970s Dodge Challenger banged a Citroen SM, or a modern Dodge Challenger banged a Prius."
You want some horror look up the firebird station wagon..
Not so bad. The wing windows were a nice touch at least.