Ugly Fruit Project: Pimentón I


Sometimes when people ask me about what is my favorite color I can’t decide between pink and blue. I think this bell pepper can't decide either.

I already ate this pepper and I give it 9/10 in taste.

NUTRITIONAL FACT: One hundred grams of bell pepper contain around 134% of the recommendation daily dose of vitamin C.

NOT FUN FACT: One third of the food production equals 1.300 millions of tons a year. This is the amount of food that get lost or wasted in food chain, which is from the production to consumer’s table.

Food loss is understood to occur at the beginning of the chain, due to inefficiencies during the production. While waste occurs when the food gets to the consumers, due to misuse of it (throw out the excess or buy groceries they are never going to eat).

Most of the information above comes from FAO website. I highly recommend to visit it to know more about the issue

@danivannova :)

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By the way you would never find food like this in the supermarkets of EuropI am so proud of our #uglyfruitproject and I realy hope that poople also stard sharing their beautifull ugly food.