A waste of space anyway and continually making a dick of himself. If he didn't hols a position of such power ti would be funny ! He's a poor excuse of a man. Just like them all they won't have been told a proper excuse for the supporting of genocide of Palestinians and the take over of Jerusalem but Israel ! 💯🐒
I'm still in search of a politician in any major western nation that ISN'T a waste of space. I think if you are actually useful, from the people's perspective, dog catcher is about as high as you can rise.
He's the UK foreign secretary! 💯🐒
LOL...ok. I should have known...
A waste of space anyway and continually making a dick of himself. If he didn't hols a position of such power ti would be funny ! He's a poor excuse of a man. Just like them all they won't have been told a proper excuse for the supporting of genocide of Palestinians and the take over of Jerusalem but Israel ! 💯🐒
I'm still in search of a politician in any major western nation that ISN'T a waste of space. I think if you are actually useful, from the people's perspective, dog catcher is about as high as you can rise.
That's right better off without them all I say 💯🐒
Long walks...short piers...just some of God's gifts...
Haha 💯🐒