King Henry V is often referred to as the greatest King of England, the young and ambitious king of England. He arrived at the throne after his father's death until he assembled an army of 6,000 English to claim the French throne. He completed what was later called the Hundred Years War. But the triumph of Henry V in this battle remains a historic difference in modern European history and the history of Britain, where he witnessed the natural coincidences when they corresponded to what can be called the "stupidity of the enemy" to complete the victory miraculously.
After a phase of Henry VI's invasion of the French north, on his return to Fort Calais, which was only a day away, the surprise was a French army army that was chasing him, led by John Lummanges and veteran commander Charles Dalbert. Very for the English army, the English troops were between 6 and 8 thousand troops, including 5,000 Archery. While French troops exceeded 10,000. Some historians say that the number was 25,000 for the French and only 5,000 for the English. Whatever the number of French deaths this day has reached 10,000 dead
The status of the British was as follows: one seasoned commander was Henry V, the long-throwers who were the striking force of the British army during the Hundred Years War, hunger eating their bellies while dysentery and other diseases were following them. But on the other hand, the number of Frenchmen was very large, but they were scattered among the cantons and nobles wrestling among themselves. Charles Dalbert changed the battlefield three times this day to choose the most appropriate place for the battle, and in the end he chose an agrarian plain half a mile in Agincourt. King Henry VI asked for peace but the French nobles had their answer clear: Death to Henry V.
On this evening the rain rained heavily and the floor of the agricultural plain turned into clay and the rain did not stop all night long. The French commander realized the disaster, but the nobles and their knights - armed with about 40 to 50 kilograms of iron in their armor - did not realize it, rushed behind the "honor of the knights" while Henry V was looking for a loophole that could distract them from them. What happened could be called stupidity or the fragmentation of leadership, as follows:
The French military commander's strategy was to advance a faction of infantry and archers to skirmish and get out of this mud, the provocation that the long-throwers could cause the French to kill them completely. 600 French cavalrys left without the commander's permission and thus They dispersed the ranks of the infantry and the archers from their army, and set out for the British army, which was more organized. Of course, 5,000 riyals were able to recruit these cavalry, whose movement was very slow. Another group of cavalry tried to catch up with the other cavalry but in vain. Of course, of interest prevented them from achieving any victory on the British army. The four-hour battle ended with the victory of Henry V, who was referred to as a thief because he killed all French prisoners, in violation of the equestrian morality of Europe.
_ In the picture King Henry V
greate story
nice story :)
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