Nazi Cheerleaders demand invoking NATO Article 5 and World War 3.
Serial Number Confirmed that it was a Ukrainian S300 missile.
The WH tells NaZelensky to drop the lying.
NaZelensky claims that Ukraine is Corruption Free.
Same day starts cracking down on the most popular Ukrainian News Org critical of the Kivv Regime.
Karl Schwab declares Globalism Dead..
Xi gobsmakd Turdeou.
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I do not know a sane country to vote a comedian as a president. Zelensky was once a comedian and from the look of things everything might just be a joke to him.
The citizens of Ukraine suffer more while his family and himself are safe. The rich Ukrainian are either out of Ukraine or in the safest part of Ukraine while the poor masses suffers this.
If Alex Jones owes 175478643 trillion for being wrong. What does Zelensky owe?