You're very welcome and please try to keep us updated as best you can.
I'm amazed that some people here on the blockchain do not understand that is conflict is extremely real and not made up.
Pretty scary when there are people that deny what's going on in the world.
If everybody could listen to more Bob Marley be a really good thing.
and smokes more pot everybody needs lots more pot.
I completely agree!))
Please go to the deep dives community and share your posts there.
I'm sure that this will get a lot more notice in the right community and this knowledge should be shared.
Thank you for sharing what's going on.
Ok, thanks)
Absolutely and if you want any help getting things set up and automated as well as knowledge more opportunities here on the blockchain I will help you out.
I have went out of my way to educate quite a bunch of cool individuals.
Getting your account automated maximizes your curation returns. And a bunch of other things.
And on top of it I am not sure if there is a Ukrainian support group here on the blockchain.
One of my comments this week was about the types of donations that the Ukrainian resistance needs. And the person whose blog I posted that comment to agreed with my huge list. Well with the exception of only one item.
I'm sending strength and blessings....
I write a new post every day, instead of updating one
Sounds absolutely perfect and you can also post more than once.
Just cite your sources and original content is King.