Silent blog from war zone: back to shelter

in #ukraine3 years ago

Hi, guys!

After we spent a few days at home in Kyiv, we had to return to where we temporarily lived. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I still miss home very much, and on the other hand, maybe if I don’t live at home during the period when the war is going on, then I will have fewer associations with it later, and it will be easier to return to normal life.

I said in a previous post that in Kyiv there is a completely different siren, much more disturbing than here. The siren is very annoying here. And by the way, there were about eight air raid alerts tonight. This is a lot even by the standards of the very beginning of wartime. These bastards are mad that they've sunk their precious flagship and are now ready to shoot at random anywhere.

During the time that I managed to stay at home, I managed to calm down a bit and rethink everything that was happening. We need to somehow live on, continue to work and engage in creativity. Moreover, the cities are gradually coming to life. I have already told you how pleased I was with the news that my aerial gymnastics studio is working again, and I really hope that when I return home I will be able to practice there again.

Literally a few days before the war, I signed up for a portrait stylization course taught by my compatriot. And now I am very glad that I have access to lectures again and I can continue to work. I plan to continue my studies immediately after I finish this publication and I really hope that tomorrow I will be able to share with you the first small results.

Somehow it turns out in recent months, or even years, that we are constantly waiting for the sun. I'm not literally, but figuratively. Pandemic, war, other events in life that turn it upside down. This seems to be what life looks like right now, and stop waiting, it's time to "dance in the rain."

Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and my dog ​​sends you a big hello :)





how very scary. stay safe. its just so terribly awful.


We’re trying to stay safe, but no one is safe in Ukraine at the moment:(

Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and my dog ​​sends you a big hello :)

I am sending the same and much love with a huge hug from Hungary. I hope that all of you will survive this, and I also hope that the war soon will end.

Happy Easter.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.