"Generator" is a unique enterprise, which is of strategic importance to the security of Ukraine

in #ukraine7 years ago

 "Generator", which is part of the State Enterprise "Ukroboronprom", is a unique enterprise that is of strategic importance to the security of Ukraine. It is at this enterprise that unique high-tech devices are developed for high-tech radiolocation and aviation systems. In fact, it is precisely from its products, that the work of many Ukrainian radars and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems S-300 depends. 

Thanks to the anti-crisis measures, this is a Kyiv-based company that, since 2009, did not have any orders from the second half of 2014, today shows stable income, wage growth and has solid orders to ensure Ukraine's defense capability. 

“Generator" is the only one in Ukraine and one of the few companies in the world that manufactures and owns technology for the manufacture of vacuum microwave devices, including klystrons, which are the basis of all powerful microwave transmitters. First of all, those used in radar stations.
Thanks to "Generator" products, Ukrainian radar stations from the Iskra stationed in the Ukrainian Army are working. In addition, the company's products are used in the most powerful Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems. 

For the production of this product, the enterprise uses unique technological processes using such rare-earth elements as tantalum, tungsten and molybdenum, requiring special conditions for the processing and use of atomic-wave welding in special installations. 

And only due to the loyalty of the "Generator" workers, these technologies were saved during the targeted destruction of the company, which took place from 2009 to 2014. Left without orders and withdrawn reserves, the company was brought to bankruptcy. 

The situation has changed dramatically in the second half of 2014 due to effective anti-crisis measures. "Generator" received orders, resumed production, replaced the import substitution of raw materials suppliers from Russia to companies from Europe and China and continued its work on strengthening Ukraine's defense capability. 

As a result, GP Generator, which ended in 2014 with losses of UAH 8.5 million, in 2017, according to operational data, received 1.5 million UAH of profit, which is 150% more than in 2016. In general, last year the company sold its products at UAH 64.1 million. 

At the same time, the average salary of the enterprise, which in 2014 was only about 2 thousand UAH, and in 2017 has grown to almost 6 thousand, is paid on time and in full. 

The issue of attracting young specialists to production is effectively solved. Over the past year, two leading institutes of higher education in Ukraine - Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko - were opened jointly and on the basis of the enterprise Educational and scientific production center and branches of their departments. And now, students and teachers of these universities are involved in solving scientific and production problems. 

Today, Ukroboronprom's effective management solutions have pushed the "Generator" out of the crisis and secured stable profits, laid the groundwork for further development. The company has firm orders in 2018 and entered the newly created cluster of radar, communications and REB. That will allow uniting the scientific and production potential of the leading Ukrainian enterprises in the field of radar and will enable the development of new high-tech and high-tech samples of military equipment.

source: https://milnavigator.tv/dp-generator-ye-unikalnym-pidpryyemstvom-yake-maye-strategichne-znachennya-dlya-bezpeky-ukrayiny/