Photo 6

in #ukraine8 months ago

That's right!
This is raspberry...
And so all sorts of spaminators deprive us of this opportunity, thanks to such blockchains, to help those who need raspberries and more...
In clothes, shoes, food...
But we have to leave everything here and look for new opportunities!
I will repeat - the spaminator kills the blockchain and the desire to help others!
And there is someone here to help...

USDT (TRC-20) - TVmhHbNhEbbgz5rSK1oeALVjUvrVma72hP


@spaminator I wish your hands withered! Those who are behind this account - remember, the boomerang has not been canceled! And you will be very severely punished, with life! I won’t take back my words! I wish you more troubles!

I thought that you were already dead... But remember - the boomerang will always haunt you and you and your entire team will die! I really wouldn’t want this - but karma exists!@spaminator are you still alive?

I thought that you were already dead... But remember - the boomerang will always haunt you and you and your entire team will die! I really wouldn’t want this - but karma exists!@spaminator are you still alive?
