Posted this on my own personal page, so wasn't even attempting to engage those with differing opinions. They are welcome to post as I believe in Free Speech, but I find it odd, I don't go out and reign in on Their posts of people with him I know I disagree in politics and values.
Do you suppose it is a Tell that this person has done this twice, then resorts to belittling when she doesn't get her way?
I will get into the post and the comments that ensued, but one of the most important drops and finds was from Great Patriot Mike Ciniello where he dropped in the document that directly answers Why without a shadow of a doubt Trump is allowed to ask for an investigation. You can find it in the following link and will address at the bottom of this article.
Title is. . .
Signed at Kiev July 22, 1998
Here was my original post on September 25, 2019
So here were the first two comments,
I decided to stop attending to the obvious. . .radicals or AI, whichever it may be choose to hide behind a fake account before spouting off and showing their true colors. The rest of us choose to keep it real.
This is why he has his trolls out and they are So Desperate to Attempt their Distractions. Never any sources, backup or evidence. I would say That's a problem for the Awake crowd!
Now I'm not sure where Love No has been, even if an AI, should have assimilated this info as it was their very owned media reporting Biden's bully tactics!
Love No had previously talked in another post where she attempted to harass about who she really worships. Very frightening, and I'm not being dramatic as satan is a soul collector. Anyone worshipping anything or multiple entities is Not worshipping their Creator, the One True God!
Here is the article from last time to verify if not familiar.
Examples abound where trolls like this are hateful, but then accuse Us of being the haters when they already exposed themselves through tactics of name calling and belittling. They adhere to the number one Rule for Radicals. . .Whatever they are doing, they Blame the other side.
You and I Both know if I talked to her like this she would resort to an all out Temper Tantrum and encourage violence among her fellow radical fans. But This is their typical MO. Hypocritical to the core and Always doing unto others that which they would Never tolerate. So thankful we got our POTUS in office!
Just continues to rant and carry on as I'm sure you have all witnessed other trolls and haters doing.
Camboni vs John, Cindy McCain, State of Arizona, others this PDF chronicles No Name's treason, Pedogate connections like his campaign manager, McStain Institute Crimes, Sedition, Irrefutable Evidence (theawakening)
As she kept demanding sources (which is fine) and I provided, but Not One source did Love No provide even once, I let her know,
Another commenter attempted to give her facts by stating,
Low how what's in the transcript is not a crime you imbecile, if you actually read it
Trump states if joe Biden actually had Ukrainian remove a prosecutor from investigating his son that what was asked then asked if the Ukrainian president would look into it and see if it was if fact a case of corruption .
That what was actually asked you liberal ******.
You can see her just resort back to what she has already been touting. These people believe the Joseph Goebbels.
Employing this tactic learned from this maniac,
Clip found here,
Clip here,
This is Rich. . .Tells Me I'm coming off as cowardly and foolish. . the same person who harasses under a Fake Name and has provided No sources or evidence whatsoever. Likely paid by the response so I hope she enjoys all the extras from me sticking with her.
When a Troll has no evidence, they just continue to spout their rhetoric. Sad that they are this Owned and controlled by the brainwashing and attempts of the DNC to dumb down as was exposed in Wikileaks,
Here is where she exposes herself and thinks This will carry weight.
Now THIS cracked me up for Quite a while!
Here is the source Mike C. dropped in for Love No as evidence,
DC Whispers states,
DOH! Did You Know There’s a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes?
Posted on September 25, 2019 by DCWhispers
My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton.
A comprehensive treaty agreement that allows cooperation between both the United States and Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes.
It appears President Trump was following the law to the letter when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and allegedly involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden and others.
“To the Senate of the United States: With a view to receiving the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, I transmit herewith the Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998. I transmit also, for the information of the Senate, an exchange of notes which was signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application, as well as the report of the Department of State with respect to the Treaty. The Treaty is one of a series of modern mutual legal assistance treaties being negotiated by the United States in order to counter criminal activities more effectively. The Treaty should be an effective tool to assist in the prosecution of a wide variety of crimes, including drug trafficking offenses. The Treaty is self-executing. It provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters. Mutual assistance available under the Treaty includes: taking of testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records, and articles of evidence; serving documents; locating or identifying persons; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searches and seizures; assisting in proceedings related to restraint, confiscation, forfeiture of assets, restitution, and collection of fines; and any other form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the requested state. I recommend that the Senate give early and favorable consideration to the Treaty and give its advice and consent to ratification.”
Isn't it interesting how the video from Hill can "no longer play due to technical troubles. Well isn't That convenient for Biden and all Dems?
What are You all seeing out there? Please let me know in the comments. Stay Strong and steady Fine Patriots and Great Guardians of Children! Godspeed!
Didn't the transcript reveal that Trump never mentioned Biden's name? He was asking about cloudstrike, which is corruption within our political system.
Posted using Partiko Android
I don't remember seeing his name. I will put a link to the transcript in the sources too.
This one
I spoke prematurely reading the transcript he does mention Biden three times.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for telling me! Biden has a great deal to answer for as he even bragged about threatening officials in the Ukraine. Now much more is being revealed!
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