After month that I do exercises on the gymn in order for me to loss my belly fat :):).I can see the difference now and my friends also recognizes it.Trully there's a good result!
The time and effort of it are worth it...
The building is too old,so they need to have a renovation.In that case,they need to find another place to stay for a temporary.Because the the target of the contract will last only within 10 months..The equipments and everything in the office needed to be transfered because the contract got started.
They supposed to transfer in another buliding first week of july but sad to say that it sm still under construction until now so they transfered the gymn equipment quickly in a tight place.As a result ,we can no longer continue doing some exercises on the fitness gymn for now.In order for me to maintain what I started,I exercise at home and
downloaded videos on youtube wich will replaced the exercises that I do on the gymn.
Now my target is to loss my hip fat also.
I hope that next week the gymn will be available..