Ulog #3 Cucumber Suri Planting Process

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)


Benefits of Timun Suri

  • maintain and nourish * skin health
  • good for kidneys
  • cancer prevention
  • source of energy for the body
  • good for eyes
  • control blood pressure
  • improve the body's immune system
  • detoxification
  • digestion
    good for joint health
  • as an antidote to free

How to plant cucumber for quick fruiting

  • Land Preparation for Timun Suri Planting

Preparation of cucumber suri land is inseparable from the factors that influence the conditions of growing cucumber suri. Therefore, before determining the planting area for planting cucumber suri, it's good to read in advance the conditions that can support the growth of cucumber suri plants. Do not let you choose a crop that can damage the cucumber crop. If the land you choose has fulfilled the growing requirements, then you can do the land processing with the following steps.

Sterilize the land by clearing the land of weeds and rocks.
Loosen the soil in the planting area by hoeing or plowing it.
Make a bed with a width of 80 cm and a length that is adjusted to your land area.
Height beds adjust to the condition of your land.
Make a lane on the right and left side of the bed.
Make a trench in the middle 40 cm wide.
Sprinkle kaur dolomite to improve soil pH.
Give manure or compost on beds.
You can provide additional chemical fertilizers, such as SP, KCL, and urea.
Leave for 10 to 15 days.
Preparation of planting land is the first step to planting cucumber suri, remembering the process that takes a long time to make the land ready for planting. While waiting for the land to be ready for planting, it is advisable to select superior seeds and seed the cucumber seeds. So that when the seeds have grown, then you can immediately plant in the planting area that you have prepared

  • Selection of Superior Seeds Timun Suri

To get high quality cucumber seeds, you can use the cucumber fruit that is mature and healthy enough. In plain view, the cucumber cucumber that is ripe and healthy has a slightly broken fruit skin and emits a distinctive aroma of cucumber. To prepare cucumber seedlings can be done in the following ways.

Peel the cucumber fruit and divide it into two parts.
Take cucumber seeds.
Clean the cucumber seeds.
Soak cucumber seeds with plain water.
Dispose of cucumber seeds that float and take sinking cucumber seeds.
Drain sinking cucumber seeds
Dry cucumber seeds to dry

  • Planting Media Preparation

Before planting cucumber suri on real land, you should choose a good planting medium as a nursery medium. The following are planting media that are recommended to be used as nursery media.

Loose soil and rich in nutrients
Polybags or small plastic cups that have been given holes in the bottom
Water to water enough

  • Cucumber Suri seeding

You can do the seeding of cucumber seeds after preparation of the planting media seeds. The following are some tips for planting cucumber seeds.

Mix the soil with compost in a ratio of 2: 1. Stir until evenly using cetok.
Enter the mixture into a plastic glass or polybag that has been prepared.
Make a hole in the middle as deep as about 2 cm.
Place one cucumber seed as much as one seed in each container.
Pile up with a mixture of soil.
Compact the soil by gently tapping the ground.
Flush with enough water.
Place it in a shade or not in direct sunlight.
If the seeds have germinated then place them in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight so that the seeds that grow stronger.

  • Treatment of Cucumber Suri Plants

Treatment of suri cucumber plants needs to be done as an effort to optimally support plant growth. Plant maintenance cannot be denied if you want a healthy plant and produce quality fruit. Here are tips for caring for cucumber plants to bear fruit quickly


  • Sprinkling

So that cucumber suri plants can grow well and bear fruit quickly, of course you must maintain the water supply obtained by plants. For this reason, you must do the treatment by watering the cucumber plants regularly. Make sure that the cucumber plant remains wet, even though this plant is one of the plants that is tolerant of drought or heat

  • Fertilizer

Follow-up fertilization also needs to be given so that cucumber plants grow rapidly. Here are tips on fertilizing plants in cucumber plants.

Give the first follow-up fertilizer at 10 days after planting. Pour NPK 16 fertilizer 2 kg which has been mixed with 200 ml of water around the base of the stick.
Give a second follow-up fertilizer at the age of 17 days after planting. Mix 5 kg of NPK 16 with 200 liters of water. Then pour the fertilizer around the base of the stem with a distance of 15 cm.
Give the third follow-up fertilizer at the age of 24 after planting. Dissolve 5 kg of NPK 16 fertilizer with 200 ml of water, then watered around the base of the plant stem with a distance of 20 cm.
Give fourth seed fertilizer at the age of 31 days after planting. Sprinkle NPK 16 fertilizer around the base of the plant stem with a distance of 30 cm.
Give a fifth follow-up fertilizer at the age of 40 days after planting. Do it like the fourth fertilization

  • Timun Suri Harvest Process

After 60-70 days of planting, usually cucumber fruit can be harvested. Usually marked with a fruit stalk that begins to dry until the fruit detaches from the stem. This is a sign that the cucumber fruit is old and ready to be harvested.

If the cucumber suri plant grows healthy, then you can harvest 10 to 15 times in one plant. For how to harvest cucumber suri, simply by picking by hand or cutting tool. But it can also just take it, considering the cucumber fruit will be released from the stem when it is old enough.




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