Greetings friends stemians and ulogers, it is a pleasure to participate in this contest promoted by @samic with the important support of @surpassinggoogle, I am informing myself today of this novelty and as they say it is better to try it than not doing it here I am, I was already in my office, and took the materials at hand and let the girl out to play for a while with what he was finding.
¿Qué materiales usé?
Un corte de madera forrada en formica blanca, marcadores, un banderín de mi querido país Venezuela, adornos en vidrio de un par de delfines, otro de un ángel en alambre, tarjetas de presentación para dar las gracias a Ulog, una estrella dorada brillante que representa el futuro de Venezuela y habladores con clip y así darle vida al mensaje:
Everyone has something to offer by @surpassiggoogle
What materials did I use?
A cut of wood covered in white Formica, markers, a pennant from my beloved country Venezuela, ornaments in glass of a pair of dolphins, another of an angel in wire, business cards to thank Ulog, a bright golden star thatrepresents the future of Venezuela and speakers with a clip and thus bring the message to life:
Everyone has something to offer by @surpassinggoogle
El proceso
- Primero organicé mis ideas, 2. Fuí seleccionando los materiales que iría a utilizar. 3. Limpié el trozo de madera 4. Empecé a escribir con marcador color negro 5. Finalmente dispuse los elementos decorativos en el trozo de madera.
The process
- First I organized my ideas, 2. I was selecting the materials that I would use. 3. I cleaned the piece of wood 4. I started writing with a black marker 5. I finally arranged the decorative elements on the piece of wood.
Producto final
Espero que les gusté mi trabajo, es bastante sencillo pero elaborado con mucho cariño para compartirlo con ustedes.
Final product
I hope you liked my work, it is quite simple but elaborated with a lot of love to share it with you.
Les invito a participar, en el siguiente enlace podrás encontrar las reglas para participar:
Concurso, también es importante que sigas la cuenta de @samic invite you to participate, in the following link you can find the rules to participate: Concurso , it is also important that you follow the @samic account
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Wonderful handscraft! thank you very much for your effort!
I'll pass the second activity.
with affection @samic
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Thanks for evaluating my work
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