It is quite a busy day for me. We went to the Total Healtcare Diagnostics to have my grandmother's ultrasound. When we reached there, we were shicked because it was still closed. I am sure that the attendant told me to come at 6:30 am because the doctor would be there and will just stay for a few minutes before going to another branch. We waited for a while. Few minutes after, a man came and opened it up. We were thankful and thought that we will not wait any more longer because my grandmother said she is very hungry already. Unfortunately, the doctor came at 8:00 in the morning. What happened in the room was a real struggle. My grandmother couldn't lie down because it will hurt her so much. We did our best just to be able to do the ultrasound. The results were given to us 15 minutes later. We directly went to the hospital for the doctors to see her ultrasound. While we were on our way, I read the result. Even if I am not a medical person, I know that all came back normal and nothings wrong with her kidney. When we reached the hospital's out-patient department, many people were waiting especially pregnant women. We waited for almost 2 hours before my grandmother was called to go inside. And I was right! It was not her kidney that's causing the pain not even her appendix. So, the doctor decided to have her X-ray test. The X-ray room was a real struggle as well. She was asked to lie back down again because she can't stand up. I felt pity on her but couldn't do anything. She was literally crying because of the pain. When everything was done and she was able to stand up, I decided to just carry her. She was hesitant at first she thought that I can't bare carrying her. I was worried too but I really want to help her lessen her pain and struggle. Thankfully, she agreed and we were successful in transferring her to the wheel chair. We were also asked for a follow-up urine tests and a CBC as well. We were so ready to have finish everything for that day. Unfortunately, the X-ray would take a day before they will release it. We decided to just go home. I was so burned out when I reached home. How much more my grandma?? She even said she doesn't want to come back there. I hope and pray that everything will turned out well. And if all the tests are done, and she'll have her medications, she'll fully recover.
I hope that she gets better soon, that she can be comfortable..
Hope her results will all be ok.
We were all praying. Thank you for passing by @bayanihan.
Please get better, gramma! Sending love and healing hugs <3
Wow. Very tiring day for you and your grandma.
I hope that the results will show what the problem so that the doctors can fix it and that she will be able to recover fully, but for now all of you need a good night rest and I wish you all the best news and results.
She will be fine... Don't worry... Everything will be ok...