My day was still spent for the health of my grandmother. We went to the hospital early today to have her X-ray test results and other laboratory tests (CBC and Urine Analysis. She didn’t went with us in the hospital and decided to just be left at home. She said she is tired and she needed to rest.
While we were in the hospital, waiting for our turn. I decided to open up his X-ray results. Upon looking at the pictures, I knew right then and there it was what's causing her pain. It seems like portion of her lower spine was gone and there seems to be droplets of blood scattered. I still hope and prayed that I was wrong with my speculations.
When it was our turn to see the doctor, the doctor was looking for her. We just explained that she’s in real pain and pleaded to not come with us in the hospital. I handed the results to the doctor. He first read the CBC and Urine tests. He said that it was all normal and nothing to worry about it. Then he opened up the X-ray results which was enclosed in a white envelope. He read the results and asked if there was a time where my grandmother had fallen because there is a fracture in her spine. We said yes, since there was indeed a time that it happened a very long time ago. He explained to us what we needed to do. He said that we should see an orthopedics, a specialist of the bones, because he does not know what needs to be done with my grandma’s result. He said that there’s a possibility that it needs and operation but hopefully not. Upon hearing it, I felt worried about my grandmother. I heard my sister say that to the doctor that my grandmother is very old and the doctor said that it is not for us to decide if she’s old. We need to see a specialist and have her checked right away. Maybe the doctor misunderstood and thought that we would do nothing because my grandmother is already old. Few more talks which did not registered to my mind anymore because I was thinking about my grandmother. I was thinking about the best way to explain to her about it and what to do in order for her not to worry about it. The doctor prescribed more pain killers again. I guess this time, it is stronger than the other one, because he said that there will be a time that it will hurt so much more.
When we reached home, we talked with the family members first. After deciding on what to do, we went to my grandmother and told her that we need to see a specialist of the bones. I can see the fear in her eyes but then I know that she tries to hide it. Later on, she asked if we have still money to do everything. I said we can look for money just don’t worry about it. I told her to get dressed and be ready because we will be seeing an orthopedic in the afternoon.
While we were in the hospital, talking to the doctor, he advised us to go to the Vicente Sotto Hospital. It is a government owned hospital here in Cebu. He said that we could save more if we have her checked there. When you say save, it would mean a very hassle procedure and long queues which would want my grandmother to just come home. We decided to look for another orthopedics that are private. Thanks to Google, we were able to find one. We contacted them first and inquired before going to their clinic because it was quite far from where we lived. Unfortunately, they were done giving priority numbers for the day. So, we decided to just have my grandmother checked tomorrow and to just have her rest for the rest of her day.
I will pray for your grandma @bhabykat! I hope you'll get the best Ortho in town so that she'll be relieved of the pain. I can't imagine how painful that it.