The deeper I swim the harder it is to come out of the water....that applies to life in general, don't you find @headchange? I love your word play. You really write beautifully. And I get a kick out of your posts. Procrastination?! Look up the meaning of the word. It has a photo of me there! I don't think I'll ever get to the ulog-ging but you still inspire me ;)
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Well no not really. There are a few areas where I stick a toe in and then wonder how the heck I got into that mess lol. You know those things that sound like such a great idea going in?
Thank you! I have trouble posting as often as I really should. There are tons of posts I would like to do. Getting my head cleared enough to focus is always an issue for me. Too much going on. I so well to make what I consider a good post about once a month lol
One of my favorite things about you is that you really get the whole balancing act.
I think you would like the u logs. Once you get set up you can just post your normal postings through there, and get some extra votes. Every little boost helps.
So headchange is really headclear!! I somehow don't like it as much. I see a lot of people going the ulog route but I simply don't have the time to even figure out how it works - unless it boils down to using a different tag. But it's good to see some old favourites continue to post despite the continuing crypto crunch and some nastiness in steem universe
Seems like those who do continue are posting even more. I think the payouts are reading a bit higher right now. I always am more inclined to have conversation as opposed to typing monologue.
I don't blame you I take forever to try out anything on here. But have a todo list of things. Auto votes are next for me I think I am the only one not on steemauto. At least that way I won't forget to vote my friends.
Nope. I'm not either. Funny you should say that I've had in my mind to get the auto vote installed for my special steemit friends. I also love the commenting but I often miss a lot of the posts and I don't want you all to miss out on the votes. Thanks for the reminder