If you make your jaw rigid it makes a ringing sound, it is like what I am experiencing lately with my hearing. I am not really wondering what is the cause because I had been 16 years in dialysis with a lot of complications and medicines that I took already that it just caused my hearing sense to get such a bothersome impairment like this "ringing ear" that I got now.
That is why I like having an electric fan always turned on despite it is cold because its humming sound masks my ringing ear. I do not believe that this will improve because I know that hearing impairments are just aided and not cured, but who knows maybe my hearing will get solved by another miracle down the road of my life.
Some medicines like aspirin and NSAIDs cause "tinnitus", this kind of hearing impairment and ulcers, but I do not use them anymore because I just have used them for pains that I could not tolerate. I am just hoping that this is just a transient condition and will get some kind of improvement in the future.
When there is an electricity cut-off at night my ringing hearing just gets a profound magnification because of silence and nothing to mask it like a constant humming sound from my electric fan. So I do not get a good night of sleep that way. Fortunately brown-outs are rare to occur in my province otherwise I couldn't live well with a constant bothersome ringing ear that has nothing to mask it off at least.
Continue pushing on friend, the lord is ur strength.
Hola hijo.

Yo tengo constantemente un zumbido en mi oído izquierdo. Ya me acostumbre y no me médico por ello.
Me parece bueno dormir con el ventilador al lado para ocultarlo un poco.
Dios te Bendiga CAMPEÓN
but in my opinion excess using of medicine is not good for health.
and if you want relief for forever then you should try meditaton.
meditation is one of the solution for most of the problems.
only 20 min of meditation everyday and you will enjoy your life.
have you tried ever meditation ?
your post is interesting @cryptopie whats your opinion about my thinking , answer and suggest more on @aaatish
I am always doing blogging and I have no time for meditation.
ok, but think about that
If I may know how old you are now..?Hi @cryptopie I hope you can recover from the illness you are experiencing right now
I am already 40 y/old. My road to recovery is hard and long and expensive, I need prayers but I am persevering to alleviate my condition.
I thought you were still a teenager
It is difficult to get healed because the cost is very expensive.
I can only pray for your healing
If I may know where you come from.
I am from IndonesiaIntroduce me @siatteuk
It is needed for your health,take this carefully
Though your ringing is Bothersome Condition, you can't avoid it. It is crucial for you. Your ringing description is fine.
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hopefully hearing remains good condition fine, and your health remains stable
hello dear, hopefully you are allright
Brother, I have upvote and commented to you. Please make me upvote 1. You will not have any harm in it. But for your sake I will be much benefited so please, please brother just 1 upvote me..please ... please..please ..
I have ear problems like that. Chewing gum or ginger works for me and second hand smoke get it worst. I hope no smoker there it might be the cause too.
Asi será @cryptopie, de seguro vas a mejorar dentro de poco y ese zumbido ya no te molestara más. Saludos