Since I can remember as a little kid, I have had trouble sleeping! Today, at almost 48, it is still the same, sleep eludes me! It's always been health related, well, since I was diagnosed with arthritis at the age of 20 it has been a major issue!
Last night was no exception, I laid awake, watching the late shows, then the late, late shows, then the over night shows...then the crack of dawn started peeking in the window. I told myself I would only doze for a few mins so that I could stay awake for the next day, as to get back on a regular sleep pattern, it's a long time battle of trying to stay awake during "normal"hours! Well, the next thing I Know its after noon and I have to start getting ready for the youngest to get home from school! I have 3 kids, so while they are in school, (the last one is going into high school and the older two are done with high school, so they sleep the way they want)I have to be awake for the youngest!
After dinner, I did the same thing, I'll just doze for a min, lol, here I am at 11pm writing this entry on my sleepless night! Well, until next time, rest well all!
Well, I finally fell asleep around 3:30 am and just got up at 11am! I always feel discombobulated after I sleep more hrs than I am awake. Makes me feel like i missed something important! Man do I dislike insomnia! My dog loves it cause he gets to lay next to me without being pushed around while I get comfortable, again! I hope the sleep gets back on track now that I slept through half the night and all the morning, this can be manageable.
Its almost 2am and I am still awake! Watched one talk show and am now on the 2nd movie!