They busted my good arm
About two weeks ago I donated plasma and I was lucky enough to get a person that had never stuck someone. Yay, lucky me.
Long story short, he missed the vein and his trainer had to fix it. When everything was done, I got bandaged up and went on my way. After about 3 hours when i took the bandage off, I had a huge bruise near the donation site as well as a large lump that was pretty painful to the touch.
After a few hours the lump went down but the pain was still there. As the week went on my forearm started to get more and more painful. The bruise had stayed the same consistency and after 2 weeks hasnt gotten any smaller or lighter.
Then on Saturday a large bruise started to form on my forearm in one of the areas where I was experiencing pain. It seems weird that 2 weeks after I donated with this arm i would start to bruise. Maybe i am bleeding all over inside my arm. I dont know. The donation center just said to ice it. We shall see what the future holds and if I will have two arms still. Hopefully I do because i wont be able to take pictures very good with just one hand.

hopefully they paid you double for the damage
Oh my god, Wes! Go to the doctor right away. You may remember I have a blood disorder.. one sign bruising like that might mean is low platelets .. mine got so low I nearly bled to death 2 separate times because I waited too long to go to the hospital. If you don't get checked out then I myself will fall over dead from worrying.
I am gonna ice it and see what happens. Doctors are expensive. Thank you for the concern though.
i fix all my health problems with ice :)
wow i would not be taking any chances. you should ask a doctor just to be safe. bruising right after i can understand but two weeks later might indicate a burst blood vessel. your arm tho
Ya, when I went and talked them today, they didn't seem too worried. They said just to ice it and if that doesn't help to go to the Dr.
give it a month or two and you'll know what you need to do
If You end up going to the Dr., I'd send them the bill!
It is safe to sometimes give plasma. ... Measures area unit taken to make sure donor safety, similar to permitting donors to allow plasma no quite once or doubly per week. The risks of a donation visit area unit comparatively mild—bruising, nausea, and giddiness area unit a number of the occasional aspect effects
Nothing worse than getting the rookie needle sticker. I get that they have to learn but ouch!!!
So sorry you got an inexperience person - everyone’s worst nightmare. I would go to a doctor even though the body will heal itself. I hope the pain has subsided though. All the best.
Oh shit...I feel for you Wes, the exact same thing happened to me like 3 years ago...not from plasma tho, but regular blood. My arm swelled after couple of days and got all purple/green/blue...and the worst part was that hematoma was sooo big I couldn't even straighten my arm as it was causing craaaazy pain...My arm was hanging on my neck in brace as if it was broken...eventually some creams dissolved the of luck with it!
That sounds serious man... Get well soon! You are a strong man, I am sure you will be fine.
Get well soo Sir.
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I sure hope it is nothing too serious Wes and all will sort out itself in next few days/weeks.... Be strong. Tomas