There's been a lot of distractions here and there that have really limited the amount of time I that I could spend on Steemit in the past week. Aside from my regular gambling ulogs and helping @lordnigel out with design and testing of a pending Interactive Battle Tournament (IBT) expansion, I've done fairly little on Steemit recently.
Here's some of the stuff that I spent the weekend dealing with:
I went back and forth with the family friend who lives in Japan to edit an English-language business document that she apparently hired someone else to write up. Since I use OpenOffice (and not the massively overpriced, subscription-based Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word), the file format she works with is not compatible with my laptop. So the first draft she sent me, I couldn't read at all. A second copy was sent via e-mail and while I could read it, I couldn't work with it. I did get around to putting together a document with the main text edited to be grammatically correct, and send that back to her. I presume that she knows how to deal with formatting a document so that it will appear the way that she wants it to -- I don't even want to begin imagining what might happen if she does not.
I spent some time on some online and iOS games, but there was nothing noteworthy to speak of.
I watched the endings to both the NASCAR Cup Series race at Kansas Speedway and the NFL football game between the Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins. I also have to admit that I was shocked to hear about Justin Tucker's missed extra point attempt for the Baltimore Ravens that would have tied up their game against the New Orleans Saints.
I vacuumed up the carpet over 2/3rd of the master bedroom in my home. The other 1/3rd will come later on. With my schedule being as it is, it is extremely rare that I can dedicate a large block of time towards housecleaning. So I'll probably be doing a little here and a little there, on and off through about mid-November.
Unfortunately, I think things are going to get even more hectic over the next few weeks. Time will tell.
Good luck doughtaker. I see the gambling has been pretty tough this week as well. Lots of hurdles to overcome. Best wishes man!
Thanks. Video poker has been horrendous this month -- right around -$3500 now (after today's session) when I should be at +$3500 instead. I'm way, way overdue to get flooded with quad 2s. Promotional wins plus one $4000 royal flush are what will be keeping me in the black for the month.